Holiday Spending Season Is Coming: ODO 124

Published by Odd Dad Out on

I realized, as I started recording, that Halloween is only a week away and I don’t know what we are going to do this year. As I thought about that I started thinking about the holiday season and how Halloween kicks off the season of spending. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas time, you just start purging cash at the end of October. I also reflect on how my general introversion makes me uncomfortable with holiday travel, and I have a callback to last week’s psychological breakdown.

In Recommended Listening I’ve got a super short flash fiction podcast. I’m talking about that sci-fi/ horror drama, 600 Second Saga.

For the Jackass of the Week, I’m off to Spain for some unnecessarily expensive worms.

Download mp3

-Recommended Listening-600 sec saga

Escape the world every week – listen now for 10 minutes of sci-fi and fantasy. Every kind of science fiction and fantasy from epic fantasy, space opera, hilarious aliens, surreal moments, time travel romances, political espionage, and so much more! Flash fiction that fits your life and lets you explore a new world weekly.

-Jackass Of The Week-

Spanish Diners Spending Big Money For Rare Food That Doesn’t Even Taste Good

Angulas, which in Spanish translates to “baby eels” are a super expensive and rare food in Spain. The thing is that even the people who eat them admit that they really don’t taste very good. They are just limp slimy flavorless white worms. But these flavorless worms can cost over $500 per lb. Why eat them then? Because they are rare and expensive and it shows that you’ve got money to burn on stupid tasteless food.



-Promos and Shoutouts-
Rolling Misadventures
Trivia Geeks Live!


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