ODO 145

Surprise Mother F*cker w/ Chris The Mole Man: ODO 145

It’s that time again! April’s Guest of the Month is Chris the Mole Man. Chris is the host of the Mole Man show, cohost of Midnight in America, and operator of Radio Mole Hole. He is also part of the twisted collective we call the Surprise Motherfuckers. We have the loosest of lose conversations ranging from big city vs small town life and presidential tweeting to platonic friendships.
*Warning: we do get into a little kick about politics for a bit.


Holiday Spending Season Is Coming: ODO 124

I realized, as I started recording, that Halloween is only a week away and I don’t know what we are going to do this year. As I thought about that I started thinking about the holiday season and how Halloween kicks off the season of spending. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas time, you just start purging cash at the end of October. I also reflect on how my general introversion makes me uncomfortable with holiday travel, and I have a callback to last week’s psychological breakdown.

In Recommended Listening I’ve got a super short flash fiction podcast. I’m talking about that sci-fi/ horror drama, 600 Second Saga.

For the Jackass of the Week, I’m off to Spain for some unnecessarily expensive worms.

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ODO 123

Letting The Voices Out: ODO 123

To say this show is a little random would be an understatement. I go from talking about car issues and why I missed last week, to adventures in voice acting. I get a little psycho-analytical, and somewhere in there I crack open my brain a bit and the voices in my head start leaking through. Have I mentioned normal is not my specialty? In the news I’ve got Apple “fixing” an emoji, a bunch of jealous parents, and a wannabe Texas Chainsaw Massacre who’s getting fitted for a peg leg.


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Never Too Tired To Talk Podcasting: ODO 122

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Super short show this week. I’ve just got that weather change low energy vibe going right now. But that doesn’t stop me from talking podcasting, and giving a quick “Cliff’s Notes” of my livestream on International Podcast Day.
I also rant a bit about the recently announced cancellation of the bankruptcy auction for Toys R Us.
And I crown Lindsay Lohan the Jackass Of The Week over her attempted kidnapping of homeless refugee children in Russia on Instagram. (more…)

ODO 116

I’m Bad At Friends: ODO 116

This week I’ve got a quick-ish spot about the recent storm that hammered my neighborhood. In place of a full feature, for Recommended Listening I mention a couple shows I’ve just started listening to that will get a future feature. I’ve got a “Jackass” who’s affair cost him millions. And I ramble on about my recent epiphany that I’m really just not very good with friends.



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ODO 109

ODO 109: Burgers, Salad, and Too Much Coco

Another week, another batch of weird news. From fake pet testicles to emoji fights, it’s all over the place. This week IHOP painted a giant target on themselves with their name change, and, in Recommended Listening, I’m talking about what is probably the most ironic podcast I listen to, “Hate to Weight.” Through it all, my boys are watching Disney’s Coco for the 5… millionth… time.


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ODO 108

ODO 108: Kinder Grads, Car Trouble, and Conspiracies

So last week was super busy. Between Kindergarten graduation, my brother in town, and other family events, I just didn’t have time to record a new episode. It was fun but busy. Aaannnd then Saturday night hit, and my weekend turned from great to crap on a dime. In the news I’ve got a 15 minute marriage, skipping work to be a god, and some very adult puppets getting in trouble with their friendlier cousins. The Jackass of the Week goes to a plastic surgeon who needs to spend some time behind bars instead of in front of a camera. Finally in Recommended Listening, it’s time to get our conspiracy on with Hysteria 51.

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ODO 107

ODO 107: I Don’t Need To Be Rich

The Livestream For The Cure is over and they managed to raise over $11,000 for the Cancer Research Institute. I’ve got a small sidebar about my son and coffee, and this week I came to realization that I don’t really want to be rich. The news brings some questionable headlines, an irritable barber, and an absent-minded astronaut. At long last, the time has come for this week’s Recommended Listening feature: Who’s Right w/ Doug and Anthony.


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ODO 101

ODO 101: Old Reliable “Idiots”

We’re back to “normal” this week. At least as normal as things really get around here. I’ve been spending a lot of time working on building the website and the patreon for the show. Of course that means I haven’t been nearly as productive as I’d have liked to have been. But we did get a new Shark. That’s exciting right? The news this week gets us back to those standard stories of drugs, bad judgement, and plain old stupidity. The “Jackass of The Week” puts a new twist on the old excuse, “it’s not mine.” Finally, in Recommended Listening, I’m getting back to guests from the Livestream For The Cure with another Phoenix based show: BSP: The Idio[t]Syncracy Files.



ODO 89: Jury Duty and A Trip To China

Good news everyone! I’ve got jury duty this week! And it’s not the first time either. Somehow the news took me on a strange trip through China. Even the Jackass of the Week goes there with a guy who thinks tofu is only for vegans. Then I lighten things up and learn something as I’m joined by a couple very special guests to talk about this week’s featured podcast: Varmints.

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An architect in Honk Kong, one of the most populous cities in the world, has created a tiny house from old concrete water pipes. The 8 foot diameter pipes make for 1000 square feet of living space including mini fridge, shower, and convertible bench/ bed. Too bad they’re illegal in Hong Kong.
A Chinese man, who sells dresses on Aliexpress, has gone viral for posting images of himself modeling his products. 
After her live-in boyfriend of over a year mysteriously disappeared, a  Chinese woman discovered that “he” was in fact a woman in disguise. She is now looking into taking legal action against her ex- and his/her parents after having spent over 300,00 yuan on him/her and feeling scammed.
  • Chinese App offers “Designated Drinker” Service For Businessmen

In China heavy drinking is a major part of negotiating a business deal. One service offers not only designated drivers to get the men and their cars home safely, but also a designated drinker service to do the drinking for them.


An unnamed vegan began ranting at a girl online after complimenting her on her tofu recipe, because he found out she wasn’t also vegan. The ranter raged at the young lady claiming that tofu is for vegans and that her eating it is appropriating it to be hip. (Spoilers- It’s not. It was invented by the Chinese.)


“The Varmints podcast is an education/comedy podcast that’s all about animals! And who better to teach you than two nerds named Paul and Donna? They aren’t exactly animal experts. More like animal enthusiasts. Anyway, every week they do a whole bunch of research to educate themselves and you the listener on all things that creep, crawl, slither, fly, hop and swim on this planet one animal at a time. It’s just like one of those fancy nature documentaries on PBS except without David Attenborough. Or any kind of expertise. Or fancy, polished production values by viewers like you. They might make tote bags someday, though.”

 -Promos And Shout-Outs-

Couch Potato Files
Gareth’s Random Ramblings
Prerecorded Live