I know I promised to read “The Stinky Cheese Man” today, but unfortunately I got hit with a Thanksgiving sinus infection. So instead, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you out there listening to me and my randomness, especially through all of NAPODPOMO.
I don’t know why, but on Day 22 of NAPODPOMO I’ve been unnecessarily productive. Out of nowhere I decided not only to clean the garage, but to build my long waiting workbench. I also made our pies for Thanksgiving… All while I should have been sleeping.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday I flew back to Texas to retrieve my late father in-law’s truck along with some assorted other items. The drive back home could have gone a little smoother…
I realized, as I started recording, that Halloween is only a week away and I don’t know what we are going to do this year. As I thought about that I started thinking about the holiday season and how Halloween kicks off the season of spending. Between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas time, you just start purging cash at the end of October. I also reflect on how my general introversion makes me uncomfortable with holiday travel, and I have a callback to last week’s psychological breakdown.