Counterfeit Vaseline and Llama Marshmallows: ODO 206

Somehow I managed to do a shorter show than usual by knowing what I was going to talk about. How the hell does that work? I explain the significance of llama shaped marshmallows as a sign of a return to normalcy in the world. My AC went out just before the summer really got rolling in. And I bring back “BS From The News” with counterfeit Vaseline, weaponized pizza, and the revelation that, shocker, Nestle food apparently isn’t good for you.


School Days and An Earth Shaking Gender Reveal: ODO 201

I’m feeling a little silly this week. I don’t know why, but I was just in a giggly mood through this whole episode. Maybe it was the long night. Maybe it was the instant coffee at 3 am. I was just in a goofy mood. So try as I might to talk about the boys going back to on-campus school, I just tangented all over the place. Badass grilled cheese, sibling rivalry, Queen Elizabeth, and other random brain farts. As well as a return of “BS From the News” with a pirate Airbnb, a divorce over penis size, and another catastrophic gender reveal. Enjoy!


The Rise Of Neck Tattoos: ODO 163

Kind of an uneventful week I guess. We went to the first food truck event of the season, (now that the sun wont cook all the vendors inside their trucks.) I give an update on my whole “being sick” thing. No news theme this week, just stupidity. There’s a guy who got fired over his attendance record, an idiot who tried to fight a grizzly bear, and an unplanned rant inspired by Moby’s new neck tattoo. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, we’re exploring the New Kingdom of America with “The Rise of King Asilas.


Oh No! What Were You Thinking!?: ODO 162

Soooo… I’m sick. No 2 ways about it. I’ve been coughing my head off, and my voice is shot. So I’m gonna continue to talk about how I’m sick and my voice is shot because I’m smart that way. On a similar “smart” note, all of the news this week can be summed up in one question, “what were they thinking?” There’s a preacher trying to outdo Jesus, a really idiotic French court ruling, and a Jackass who spent his life savings fighting a speeding ticket. But wait, there’s more. In Recommended Listening I’m going back to a show that’s been mentioned but not formally featured, it’s “Oh No! Lit Class.”


Release the Peanut Butter and Jelly: ODO 158

This week I had a startling revelation about my youngest son, and it involves a PB&J. Doing a complete 180, every story in the news has to do with penises. (I’m sorry. I don’t plan this I swear.) Wrapping it up (see what I did there) in Recommended Listening, it’s time to laugh your nose off as I “Release The Clowns”

ODO 153

Car Troubles, Poor Spending, and A Girl In Space: ODO 153

Summer is now in full swing, and that means getting the cars ready for vacation. Especially when one of the planned repairs forces your hand. From rental pogo sticks to shoddy land deals, this week’s news is all about poor spending. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, I have what seems to be my most talked about show not featuring John Bukenas. It’s actually time to talk about “Girl in Space.”

ODO 147

Don’t Eat That! ODO 147

So you know how I mentioned my wife being sick during Foodstock? Now that plague has spread across our boys. Speaking of plague, the news brings tales of why you should be more careful about what you eat. And finally, in Recommended Listening, its time to learn some cool stuff.
I’m talking about “Your Brain On Facts.”

ODO 140

Spring Break Cleaning and Sexy Time Mishaps: ODO 140

Spring break is here and the boys are home, so what does that mean for me? It’s time to do some spring cleaning. To be fair, we also decided to make some fresh lemonade, (because Arizona.) In the news I’ve got another fake kidnapping, a questionable use of a t-shirt cannon, and what can only be described as the worst sexual experience imaginable. In Recommended Listening, the sexual news seems like the perfect opportunity to talk about this extra naughty podcast, it’s “Two 2 Girls, One Mic: The Porncast.”

ODO 139

Good morning Bad Decisions: ODO 139

Holy cow the news has so many people just making bad decisions. Dumb rappers, horrible mothers, and someone who just doesn’t care about that warning sign at the zoo. All that aside, I’ve had my hands full juggling home/work/podcast stuff this week, including taking our little Bug to Kindergarten orientation. We went to see “Welcome To Night Vale” live last week, and as such, this week’s featured podcast is their commentary show, “Good Morning Night Vale.”
