I’m Officially a Dad: ODO 126

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I’m back to “normal” with this week’s show where I talk about my new status of being “officially” a Dad, and it revolves around lights. This week’s featured podcast brings the 4th appearance of John Buckenas, 2nd for Jessica Kupferman, and Recommended Listening debut of Melissa Brilliant with their show “Brilliant Observations.” And it all wraps up with a Jackass of The Week involving a woman who just wanted to buy some Pringles. Or did she?

-Brilliant Observations-

Brilliant Observations

“Comedy show by the 2 powerhouses Melissa Brilliant and Jessica Kupferman. These 2 are dubious of everything…especially a stove.”


-Woman Sentenced To Two Months In Jail For Opening A Can Of Pringles

Totally misleading headline. True story, a woman in Ireland was arrested and sentenced to 2 months in jail for trespassing at a Tesco market, after being banned from the location for her behavior. When security asked her to leave, she grabbed a can of Pringles, ripped it open, and insisted that they must let her stay to pay for them. She plead guilty to disorderly conduct, and asked for a suspended sentence, but the judge found that the woman had over 30 previous charges including convictions for theft and vandalism.


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