How I Lost My Green Thumb: ODO 194

Published by Odd Dad Out on

I know I promised new music and all the segments and stuff, but ya know what, stuff happened and I didn’t get that done. So in the mean time, in honor of the start of the new year, I’m gonna start to tell you about what I was up to last year and then get hung up on a couple of those things, including a return to home schooling, an update on my autumn garden, and, oh yeah, how I sliced off a chunk of my thumb.

*I actually put a trigger warning in this one for one particularly gross detail in the story. Everyone I’ve mentioned it to has visibly cringed, so I decided to be nice and warn you…

Then again, I bet you don’t even read the show notes. I bet that I could put anything in here and you wouldn’t even know. So how about this. The first person to send me a screenshot of this portion of the show notes, to prove that you read them, will get a special prize from the ODO Shop. There may be other prizes as well. May the odds be ever in your favor…

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