How I Lost My Green Thumb: ODO 194

I know I promised new music and all the segments and stuff, but ya know what, stuff happened and I didn’t get that done. So in the mean time, in honor of the start of the new year, I’m gonna start to tell you about what I was up to last year and then get hung up on a couple of those things, including a return to home schooling, an update on my autumn garden, and, oh yeah, how I sliced off a chunk of my thumb.

*I actually put a trigger warning in this one for one particularly gross detail in the story. Everyone I’ve mentioned it to has visibly cringed, so I decided to be nice and warn you…


International Podcast Day 2020

International Podcast Day

International Podcast Day is September 30. You can find out more about the full day of livestreams and more at

This year I reached out to the podcasting community to ask about their favorite thing about podcasting.

Included are clips from Derek Graziano of “Lifeworld” and “Rolling Misadventures”
Tim from “Radio Clash
Freya from “Your Friend Freya” and “Trashy Romance Pod
Heather from “Sunshine and Powercuts” and the “Sunshine Summit

Thank you as always for listening, and if you get the opportunity, tell a podcaster you listen to that you’re a fan. Trust me. They’ll appreciate it.

Five Years of Rambling: ODO 188

July 22nd marks the 5th anniversary of the start of this podcast.

Am I feeling a little nostalgic?


Did I do an emotional clip show?


This is prime rambling random train of thought stuff. From show changes caused by the new recording schedule, to binge watching horror movies, a few semi-reviews of some of our recent watches, a rant about the Halloween films, and an impromptu commercial for the new Dr Pepper with Cream Soda.

After 5 years, 269 total episodes, (188 real ones) and over 20,000 downloads, I just want to say thank you for listening.

“Taste the flavor.”


Fun In The Kitchen- Matt Heyman Pt 2: ODO 180

For part 2 of my interview with Matt Heyman of “PreRecorded Live,” it’s all about food. I’m a cook. Matt is a trained chef. We can talk food about as much as we can talking podcasting. As a matter of fact, this half of the conversation is the reason I split it into two episodes in the first place. No trigger warning this week except to say, maybe don’t listen if you’re hungry.

(Psssssttttt…. The rest of the info is the same as part 1)


Laundry Apocalypse w/ Donna From “Broken Compass” Podcast

It’s guest time again Oddballs. This time I have Donna Johnson from the “Broken Compass” podcast, which is a very new podcast featuring Donna and her best friend Angela talking about, well, all of the things they like to talk about. It’s a little bit true crime, a little bit conspiracies, and a little bit just a couple of moms bullshitting. Like me, Donna is the stay-at-home parent to her two boys, so this conversation gets way into all of the “fun” of being a parent that they just don’t warn you about.


A Sick Dog, R. Kelly, A Girl, And Her Horror: ODO 165

Geeze I’m busy this week. With all of the preparing for NAPODPOMO I almost forgot I still needed to do a regular episode. On top of that, our dog has been sick and I’ve been having to take him back and forth to his vet with no answers yet. In the news: I’ve got a guy who likes to scam scammers, a stupid woman who should have been eaten, and R. Kelly reaffirming that he’s not only a douchebag, but also a jackass. Finally in Recommended Listening, I’m gonna try to keep it creepy for October with this week’s feature: “A Girl And Her Horror.”

ODO 153

Car Troubles, Poor Spending, and A Girl In Space: ODO 153

Summer is now in full swing, and that means getting the cars ready for vacation. Especially when one of the planned repairs forces your hand. From rental pogo sticks to shoddy land deals, this week’s news is all about poor spending. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, I have what seems to be my most talked about show not featuring John Bukenas. It’s actually time to talk about “Girl in Space.”

ODO 108

ODO 108: Kinder Grads, Car Trouble, and Conspiracies

So last week was super busy. Between Kindergarten graduation, my brother in town, and other family events, I just didn’t have time to record a new episode. It was fun but busy. Aaannnd then Saturday night hit, and my weekend turned from great to crap on a dime. In the news I’ve got a 15 minute marriage, skipping work to be a god, and some very adult puppets getting in trouble with their friendlier cousins. The Jackass of the Week goes to a plastic surgeon who needs to spend some time behind bars instead of in front of a camera. Finally in Recommended Listening, it’s time to get our conspiracy on with Hysteria 51.

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