How I Lost My Green Thumb: ODO 194

I know I promised new music and all the segments and stuff, but ya know what, stuff happened and I didn’t get that done. So in the mean time, in honor of the start of the new year, I’m gonna start to tell you about what I was up to last year and then get hung up on a couple of those things, including a return to home schooling, an update on my autumn garden, and, oh yeah, how I sliced off a chunk of my thumb.

*I actually put a trigger warning in this one for one particularly gross detail in the story. Everyone I’ve mentioned it to has visibly cringed, so I decided to be nice and warn you…


We’re Buying A House: NAPODPOMO- Day 6

It’s day 6 of NAPODPOMO, and I’ll just cut right to the chase. The reason I didn’t release an episode on Monday the 4th was because last week we began the process of buying a home. After a post-Halloween visit to a new housing community going up nearby, my wife made the executive decision to pull the trigger on attempting to buy our first house. So now, we’re all sorts of busy.

ODO 137

Sunshine Summit 2019 w/ Heather Welch: ODO 137

It’s Guest of the Month time! For February, here to talk about the March 2019 Sunshine Summit, I’ve got Heather Welch from “Sunshine and Powercuts.” This time around there is a much wider variety of guests. We go in to some of the familiar returning faces, and learn a little about all of the new guests that you may not have heard of before. And of course I throw us off course, but we bring it all together in the end.


ODO 21: A Cook’s Journey

This week I tell the tale of my love for cooking and where it began. From burning my hands on a cookie sheet to making fresh pizza from scratch every week. Join me as I share one of my truly favorite things. It may not be the funniest story, but it’s most definitely a piece of the puzzle that shaped this odd dad.
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