Braces For A Bug: ODO 196

Howdy there Oddballs! I’m gonna try my best this week to try and keep things to just a couple topics. Whether that actually happens is anyone’s guess. On that note, we recently had a major trip to the dentist for one of our little monsters, and the outcome is going to get expensive. Also, I’ve got my more in depth review of “The Box Of Oddities.” And in my new “What’s Adam Listening to/ Watching” segement, my wife and I just finished binging the Netflix series, “Bridgerton.”


How I Lost My Green Thumb: ODO 194

I know I promised new music and all the segments and stuff, but ya know what, stuff happened and I didn’t get that done. So in the mean time, in honor of the start of the new year, I’m gonna start to tell you about what I was up to last year and then get hung up on a couple of those things, including a return to home schooling, an update on my autumn garden, and, oh yeah, how I sliced off a chunk of my thumb.

*I actually put a trigger warning in this one for one particularly gross detail in the story. Everyone I’ve mentioned it to has visibly cringed, so I decided to be nice and warn you…


Strength, Fiends, Landscaping: ODO 174

Continuing the saga of my back yard, this week I finally got a landscaper hired. I also give a little insight into why the show has been so inconsistent for the last few weeks. And I swear it’s not an ad, but I talk about finally getting sucked into playing “Best Fiends.” Finally, in the return of Recommended Listening, I’m talking music, fitness, and philosophy in this week’s feature: “Strength, Love Metal.


ODO 167: “All Together” Kids are Gonna Kill You

Ever have one of those days where you’re sure there was something you needed to do, but then you forget? That’s me today. I know I had a topic planned for this week, but damnit if I didn’t forget what it was. That there is the colander that is my brain. So we get to go on this mystery trip on my train of though together. But I do have some updates from last week’s show, and a news segment packed with poor decisions. Finally, in Recommended Listening, in honor of Halloween, I’m giving you reason to worry about the kids coming to your door with “Murderous Minors: Killer Kids.”
