Desks, Distance Learning, and Non-Corona Gardening w/ ReAnna: ODO 183

I didn’t plan it this way, but it’s time for the “Guest of The Month!” And because I wasn’t planning to record yet, and she was bored, I’m talking to my wife, ReAnna.
(Seriously, recording this was all her idea.)
As much as I love my my guest episodes, I’m always excited when my wife wants to sit down and record, because no matter what we’re talking about, we’re still being silly and giving each other crap the entire time.

This time around we’re going deeper into what we’ve had going on around the house during the age of Corona. We talk more about “distance learning” and just looking forward to school coming back next year. ReAnna shares her college journey from curious history major through theater and now graduating from ASU with an education degree on her way to a Master’s in Library Science.


Fun In The Kitchen- Matt Heyman Pt 2: ODO 180

For part 2 of my interview with Matt Heyman of “PreRecorded Live,” it’s all about food. I’m a cook. Matt is a trained chef. We can talk food about as much as we can talking podcasting. As a matter of fact, this half of the conversation is the reason I split it into two episodes in the first place. No trigger warning this week except to say, maybe don’t listen if you’re hungry.

(Psssssttttt…. The rest of the info is the same as part 1)


Laughing Through Our Fears- Matt Heyman- Part 1: ODO 179

For the next two weeks I’ll be releasing my “interview” with Matt Heyman from “PreRecorded Live.” In part 1 of the interview, we get into a wide range of topics. From general tech, to home improvement, and even to how we would cope with various life changing traumas, including Matt’s three brushes with cancer.

-Trigger Warning-

This episode actually touches on some heavier topics, namely my personal robbery trauma, Matt’s cancer battles, and how we feel we would cope with certain traumatic situations. Of course this is all done with a healthy dose of comedy because that’s who we are. We don’t get especially serious, but if those types of subjects may bother you, next week will be much lighter. Also, Matt had testicular cancer, sooooo there’s lots of ball talk. (Hence the walnuts in the episode art hehe…)


Laundry Apocalypse w/ Donna From “Broken Compass” Podcast

It’s guest time again Oddballs. This time I have Donna Johnson from the “Broken Compass” podcast, which is a very new podcast featuring Donna and her best friend Angela talking about, well, all of the things they like to talk about. It’s a little bit true crime, a little bit conspiracies, and a little bit just a couple of moms bullshitting. Like me, Donna is the stay-at-home parent to her two boys, so this conversation gets way into all of the “fun” of being a parent that they just don’t warn you about.

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We Are A Bunch Of Narcissists w/ Kate Wallinga: ODO 168

It’s that time again. Where I have one of my podcaster friends on to talk about whatever comes up. This month it’s Kate Wallinga from “Ignorance Was Bliss” and “Lifeworld.” Except this time she was invited to be part of November’s National Podcast Post Month interviews. After editing down that episode, all the stuff “left on the cutting room floor” was just too good to throw away, and made for a pretty good episode itself. Of course, we talk podcasting, but also about the relationships we’ve formed from the podcast community, and the psychological side of why we do this crazy thing called podcasting. In a nutshell, “we’re all narcissists.”


Nerds, Comedy, and Sports Injuries w/ Adam Nutter

It’s that time again. Time for someone to invite somebody on for a conversation that can only be had with my scrambled brain. This month I have, from Nerds With Words and Drop Tent Media, Adam Nutter. We spend a ton of time talking about comedy. Whether it’s standup comedians or comedy films, we’ve got opinions. Somehow we end up talking sports, and how at our age, we both suck. Plus tons of tangents and randomness because, frankly, we both have brain damage. Enjoy!


PETA Can Suck It w/ Paul Csomo: ODO 156

For July my guest of the month is the ever wonderful Paul Csomo from the Varmints podcast. Unlike his previous appearance, this time we actually ended up talking about animals quite a bit. Of course there’s also the obligatory podcasting and tech talk. We talk about what it’s like living in states with such dangerous wildlife. Somehow we solve Florida’s invasive species problem. Plus, we joke about Paul’s experience eating bugs, and the difference between animal rights activists and conservationists, with a side track into Paul’s Funko Pop collection.


“Coming Out” Laughing w/ BSP: Believer Skeptic podcast :ODO 154

Since June is Pride month, I decided to be a little pandery and invite the only gay podcasters I know, Chris and Cody from BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast, on as my Guests of the Month.
If you aren’t familiar, BSP is a paranormal/ supernatural podcast with an LGBT twist.
We talk about our families and how theirs reacted to them “coming out.” I share my experiences having a gay sister who is also pagan and how our family dealt with my wife and I “coming out of the broom closet.” We rip on YouTubers a bit, and I freaked them out with some creepy supernatural stories from my life.

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Surprise Mother F*cker w/ Chris The Mole Man: ODO 145

It’s that time again! April’s Guest of the Month is Chris the Mole Man. Chris is the host of the Mole Man show, cohost of Midnight in America, and operator of Radio Mole Hole. He is also part of the twisted collective we call the Surprise Motherfuckers. We have the loosest of lose conversations ranging from big city vs small town life and presidential tweeting to platonic friendships.
*Warning: we do get into a little kick about politics for a bit.


Live From “Betty” w/ Lisa and Sam: ODO 141

Guest Time!

The March Guests Of The Month are Lisa and Sam from I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam.
Like all of my guests, we talk a little about podcasting, how they do their show, our pod-friends, and how we became friends in the first place.
In classic Lisa and Sam fashion, we geek out over donuts, spring training baseball, we get into Lisa’s hangups about food, and I make a case for why I should be their designated “Merican,” or at least their “Mexcan-Merican.” As always, tangents abound. For their podcast recommendation they suggest a fellow Canadian podcast, “Nooks and Crannies.”

I Shake My Head w/ Lisa and Sam

I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam

“I Shake My Head” follows the decades long friendship of two goofy women from Saskatoon who find themselves having some of their best conversations in the car! Yes, they actually record in Sam’s car, “Betty.” It’s not especially deep, or political. But, they don’t want to make you think. They just want to make you laugh and be the least stressful part of your day.


Extended cut includes chats about our ages, the fact that we’ve never had a real conversation before, mix tapes, getting into the zone, and Sam’s bladder.

Recommended Listening

Nooks and Crannies

Nooks and Crannies

Like an open University with no tuition that digs into the politics of everyday life and the activism that shapes it

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