PETA Can Suck It w/ Paul Csomo: ODO 156

Published by Odd Dad Out on

For July my guest of the month is the ever wonderful Paul Csomo from the Varmints podcast. Unlike his previous appearance, this time we actually ended up talking about animals quite a bit. Of course there’s also the obligatory podcasting and tech talk. We talk about what it’s like living in states with such dangerous wildlife. Somehow we solve Florida’s invasive species problem. Plus, we joke about Paul’s experience eating bugs, and the difference between animal rights activists and conservationists, with a side track into Paul’s Funko Pop collection.

Paul Csomo

Paul Csomo

First and foremost, Paul is “not an animal expert,” but he does co-host the Varmints Podcast with his fellow non-expert, Donna. Together they use a mix of science, and comedy to educate listeners about “all things that creep, crawl, slither, fly, jump, hop and swim on this planet one animal at a time.”

He’s also a total goofball who is not above using toilet humor to lift his friends’ spirits when the need arises.


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