Singin’ In The Car Voice: ODO 213

Published by Odd Dad Out on

I’m sounding a little different this week on account of spending my drive home from work singing my head off to “The Commitments” soundtrack. I expand on a blog post I wrote this week about my difficulty recording the podcast recently. Plus, the return of “BS From The News” featuring a suspicious social media post and a crafty artist. Finally, a big announcement about myself and the next season of “The Rise Of King Asilas.”

Do I Sound Different This Week?

Sooooo I realize that you probably can’t notice the difference in my voice because of the processing I do on the audio. But what I can tell you from listening to myself as I record is that after singing at the top of my lungs through my entire drive home, my voice sounds much fuller than usual. I don’t talk much about my musical taste or the fact that I actually like to sing. In this particular instance I was singing along to the soundtrack to “The Commitments.” And if you’ve never heard the music from this movie, all I can really say is that it is made entirely of classic soul music that necessitates massive lung power to perform. And believe it or not, I am actually able to pull it off. If you want an example, in “Miss Congeniality,” when she is walking away after her makeover, they play “Mustang Sally.” That version of “Mustang Sally” is actually from “The Commitments.”

I’m not saying all this to brag about my singing ability. For all you know, I couldn’t carry a tune if I had a bucket glued to my hands. And I have little way to prove otherwise besides actually singing on the show, and self consciousness says, “HELL NO” to that. It really is more just to say that, if I sound a little weird, that’s why.

Ruminating On Recording

Changing gears abruptly, I recently put out a very short blog post about my difficulties with recording the podcast lately. Long story short, it’s a combination of lack of time, lack of ideas for topics, and a lot of self doubt about the general quality of my content recently. If you want the longer version of all of this, just listen to the episode. If you’re reading this, you probably know that I’m far more long winded speaking than I am writing.

But along the lines of wanting to entertain my wonderful listeners, I’m going to do my best to bring back “BS From The News.” And that starts with the following stories…

BS From The News

 A man posting an ad in the Facebook marketplace selling a catalytic converter received a visit from police when it was noticed that the picture he posted of the item also showed a syringe and a bag containing a sizable amount of crystal meth in the background. To paraphrase the sheriff in this case, when selling things on social media, make sure to crop your drugs out of the picture. Jackass.

The Stone County Sheriff's Office in southwest Missouri said a bag of meth and a syringe on the...

(Source: Stone County Sheriff’s Office/Facebook)

The museum provided the cash to him to use in recreating a piece he had previously made. Part of his agreement with the museum was that the cash was to be used for the piece and then returned when the showcase was over, meaning he wasn’t even actually getting paid for his creation. As a creator of things, let me take this moment to remind anyone interested in working with any kind of artist or creator, exposure does not pay the bills. Take the money and run dawg.

Special Announcement!
I’m Joining The Cast of “The Rise of King Asilas

Finally, an announcement! As of October 31, 2021, you will also be able to hear me as the voice of Lord Peter Hemingway in season 5 of “The Rise of King Asilas.” I’m beyond excited for the opportunity to be part of such an amazing podcast, but also to be offered a full paid role as part of the principle cast of the show appearing in nearly every episode of the season.
Of course I, being ever the professional, decided that this was exactly the justification I needed to upgrade my equipment for voice acting. So I went ahead and purchased a new microphone, portable recorder, and vocal shield for my recording booth.

closet VO setup

Also, me being me, I actually spent more on all of this equipment than I’m actually getting paid for this role. But honestly, I don’t care. I’m legitimately getting paid to be a voice actor in one of my favorite audio drama podcasts. And I’m not just playing some one-off gag character. I’m playing a major character that will require real acting ability for me to perform. Here’s hoping I don’t fuck it up.

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