A Plethora of Perplexus: ODO 129

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Happy holidays to you. This week I’ve got a tale of too many “Perplexi,” an oddly large number of humorous news stories about guns, a “Jackass” who wants to trade pot for a Big Mac, and I don’t care if Paul Csomo already mentioned it, in “Recommended Listening” I’m talking about Weird With You.

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  Hope you had a great holiday, whatever holiday you celebrate. For us that would be Yule, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t give presents. But when you’ve got 4 boys who get jealous of everything, you have to have a strategy. For example, buying them all different versions of the same toy.

Perplexus classic puzzle

In our case that toy would be the Perplexus. If you haven’t seen one, a Perplexus is a 3 dimensional puzzle, usually within a sphere, where the goal is to move a ball from a starting point through 100+ turns and obstacles to the end without falling off the track. Just because it’s labeled ages 8 and up, this is no easy task, and once you start playing you will get sucked in to the game by sheer frustration… We bought 4. Not only did we buy 4, but we bought 4 different versions. We got the Original, the Epic, the Mini Twist, and the World’s Smallest Perplexus, which is an original that is about the size of a tennis ball. And every single one has had everybody in the house occupied since opening them up. 

BS From The News
  • Man Uses Taped Up NES Gun To Rob Banks
    • A man in Mexico used an old NES Zapper toy, wrapped in electrical tape, to rob as many as 15 banks.
  • New York Town Holds Toy Gun Buyback Program To Change Gun Culture
    • In an attempt to change American’s culture of using guns, one New York town has started a program to buy back toy guns in exchange for other toys. They feel that if they get the kids to stop using toy guns, that they wont want to use real guns later.
  • Baltimore Takes In Rocket Launcher During Gun Buy Back
    • During a recent gun buyback event, somebody arrived to turn in their rocket launcher. It was unloaded, and now authorities are trying to track down how the owner came to possess it.

-Jackass Of The Week-
Florida Man Tries To Trade Weed For McDonald’s

While going through the drive thru of his local McDonald’s, a 23 year old man attempted to pay for his food with a bag of marijuana.
Apparently he thinks that Florida is still under the barter system.
He returned later that day, supposedly with cash, and was later arrested based on employee descriptions.

-Recommended Listening-

Weird With You
Weird With You

Take a break from reality with a quirky couple who discusses WEIRD topics and goes on fun tangents every Wednesday, for your amusement. We tackle strange news stories, pop culture oddities, and existential questions with irreverence and imagination. We’ve got ridiculous segments, impressions, special guests, hilarious fake ads & more! Won’t you be weird with us?

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