Lost In The Woods: ODO 215

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Another week of sounding different, but this time I think it’s from my new allergy meds. And in typical “me” style, I have a really long meandering story about our latest camping trip, getting lost hiking multiple times, and being sick that technically does relate to that first point. Speaking of lost in the woods, my one news story is about a criminal who did just that, and ended up needing a police rescue.

Adam bitmoji sitting by a campfire

BS From The News

Man Fleeing From Police, Gets Lost In The Woods, Calls 911 For Help

A Michigan man had to call 911 for help after fleeing into the woods to avoid police. The man was being pursued for breaking and entering and decided to hide in the nearby woods. Several hours later, he was forced to call 911 for help in order to find his way out of the woods. He was met by the very officers that were pursing him before.

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