Lost In The Woods: ODO 215

Another week of sounding different, but this time I think it’s from my new allergy meds. And in typical “me” style, I have a really long meandering story about our latest camping trip, getting lost hiking multiple times, and being sick that technically does relate to that first point. Speaking of lost in the woods, my one news story is about a criminal who did just that, and ended up needing a police rescue.

Adam bitmoji sitting by a campfire


Weekend At Patagonia’s: ODO 199

For the sake of trying my best to focus on something, This week is all about our latest experience in mini-vacationing. We took a little spring break trip to a cabin at the Patagonia Lake State Park. Long story short, it was a gorgeous view of a beautiful lake in southern Arizona with hiking trails, lots of birdwatching, and lots of campfire cooking. It was also freezing balls, windy as hell, and I was constantly being dragged around by an annoyingly curious husky. Oh yeah, and there were wild cows. Wanna know more? Listen to the episode.
Plus an update on some format changes I’m considering, and a reminder to get me your questions for my attempted episode 200 Q&A. If you don’t give me your Q’s, I can’t give you any A’s.

Adam bitmoji sitting by a campfire

ODO 195

Let’s Finish Catching Up: ODO 195

In the last episode I started to talk about all of the things that I’ve been up to during the hiatus, before getting thumb deep into a bloody mess. This time the plan is to give you the rest of the update that I meant to give last time. And oh boy! Do I have a lot of stuff to share with you! I’m not gonna cover everything right now. We all know that would take hours and I’m completely capable of doing it. Instead, I’ll hit some high points, and if you want to hear more about something, you can just let me know.
And finally, an update on how the featured podcast segment is changing, and my first rebooted podcast review feature is going to, my very first audio drama love, “Welcome to Night Vale.”
