Christmas Cooking and Snappy Spending : ODO 227

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Hope you’re having a pleasant holiday season. It’s been crazy busy around here as usual. We had a well executed, albeit tiring, Christmas, even if I did have a slight miscalculation in cooking Christmas dinner.
We’ve been watching a few new movies and shows over the holidays.
And the US government is not about to let the French or the EU upstage them in bullshit jackass spending.

What I’ve Been Watching

  • The Invitation (Netflix)
    • A modern retelling of a classic monster tale that is very easy to figure out if you’re paying attention. 🧛‍♂️
  • The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones
    • A film adaptation of the Cassandra Claire YA book series, it was meant to start a movie franchise but failed at the box office. (Per my wife: the movie follows the story of the first book fairly accurately, but the casting is not very accurate.)
  • Shadowhunters (series)
    • With the failure of the Mortal Instruments film, it was relaunched as a series on the Freeform network. (Again per my wife: the casting is much closer to the book descriptions, but the show very quickly deviates from the books.)

BS From The News

US Government pays $118,000 to study if Thanos could actually snap his fingers

A team at Georgia Tech was given a $118,000 grant to study snapping. They were especially curious to learn if Thanos would have been able to snap his fingers while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet. Spoilers, it only works because it’s a movie.

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