Christmas Cooking and Snappy Spending : ODO 227

Hope you’re having a pleasant holiday season. It’s been crazy busy around here as usual. We had a well executed, albeit tiring, Christmas, even if I did have a slight miscalculation in cooking Christmas dinner.
We’ve been watching a few new movies and shows over the holidays.
And the US government is not about to let the French or the EU upstage them in bullshit jackass spending.

ODO 102

ODO 102: “Now That I’m Older” I Have Allergies

Spring has sprung, at least in Arizona, and I’m definitely feeling it. I can’t really say the same for the rest of the country. The news has been pretty random this week. No real theme, just lots of oddity. I’ve got Tarantula burgers, bad jokes, and even a couple drug smugglers. And in “Recommended Listening” it’s time to look back at our childhood with “Now That I’m Older.”

