I’m A Giant Bread Making Nerd: ODO 231

Not much going on this week besides me spending way more time than usual baking bread and watching nerdy TV. In my defense, the baking is my wife’s fault. She asked me to make bread. The nerd bit is totally on me. I started watching Star Trek: Picard. In the news, we’re going to court for some really stupid reasons.


Stupid Is As Stupid Does: ODO 225

After surviving NAPODPOMO, I’m trying to get back into the swing of doing more of the regular segments. In the news I have a battle for who can be the biggest dumbass. Between stupid criminals, stupid lawsuits, and stupid scientists, I think you may have to decide, just who is the “Jackass of the Week.” Of course, I have my regular ramblings, but I don’t have to tell you that, now do I?


Almost Kinda Back To School, and Stepping Up My Art: ODO 190

Our boys have one week left before school starts back up, sort of. And I took a step forward in my “art” by buying a digital drawing tablet. Plus a reminder not to hide your drugs in clearly marked bags, and a rundown of the upcoming August 2020 Sunshine Summit.


Changing Plans and Changing Podcasts: ODO 186

Before you freak out at the title, no I’m not changing up this show. At least for the most part. Rather, this week’s Recommended Listening will highlight a few podcasts that have changed since the last time I talked about them. Not much “Florida Man” in this week’s news, but a whole lot of stupid. And we’ve recently had to make a major change in our plans around the house.


Working In The Sun With Florida Man: ODO 185

This week we’re back to a “normal” show with the tale of my 3 day battle with the sun and the sprinklers. The news is back with 4 “Florida Man” stories from this week, and in Recommended Listening, it’s a new show from a past featured host. It’s time to get up and go jogging with Stacey Frost and “Run With Me On This.”


Puppies, Police, and Pumpkin Spice Spam: ODO 159

I still cannot believe it, but by a strange series of events, we have acquired another dog from my sister this week. In the news I’ve got weird proposed laws, pumpkin spice Spam, and a Jackass impersonating a police officer. In place of a Recommended Listening feature, I have a small sampling of what I’ve been bingeing lately ahead of some future features.

ODO 139

Good morning Bad Decisions: ODO 139

Holy cow the news has so many people just making bad decisions. Dumb rappers, horrible mothers, and someone who just doesn’t care about that warning sign at the zoo. All that aside, I’ve had my hands full juggling home/work/podcast stuff this week, including taking our little Bug to Kindergarten orientation. We went to see “Welcome To Night Vale” live last week, and as such, this week’s featured podcast is their commentary show, “Good Morning Night Vale.”

ODO 134

Cracked a Rib Eating Popcorn: ODO 134

Soooo what had happened was… I was sick and was coughing a lot and choked on a piece of popcorn and I cracked my ribs. But there’s still a couple jackasses to make fun of and a couple of badass women to talk about for this week’s Recommended Listening feature, The Wayward Podcast.

ODO 132

Bronchitis Sucks: ODO 132

I’ve been sick. That’s about it. Long story short, I had a wicked cough last week that was kicking my ass and I just didn’t have the energy to record. Fast forward to this Tuesday and I wake up with a very familiar pain. My bronchitis had flared up and I could hardly get out of bed. And I get around to the news I promised last week..


ODO 75: Cereals, Stoners, and Surprise Mother Effers

I’ll admit it. I love cereal. I especially love those sugar cereals from my childhood. So when General Mills announced that they are going to give us back the original recipe Trix. I got really excited. How excited? Excited enough to devote an entire segment to breakfast cereal. This week’s news brings a recall from Death Wish Coffee, a lawsuit from an armed robbery suspect, and a tie for J.A.W. with a couple a people too inebriated to function. As promised last week, this week’s Recommended Listening  feature goes to my fellow Surprise Mofo, Mike Jolitz.

(download mp3)


When consumers complained about artificial colors and flavors in food, the cereal companies responded by replacing all artificial colors and flavorings with natural options. In the case of Trix, the new, natural, recipe resulted in muted colors and bland unpleasant flavors. Now, consumer backlash against the natural Trix has lead General Mills to return to the original recipe.  They have said that they will still sell the natural version for those that prefer it.

After lab test showed the possibility of botulism developing in their cold brew coffee cans, Death Wish Coffee decided to recall all of their cold brew cans as a precaution. Nobody was reported sick from the coffee.

Equifax sent a tweet about how to sign up for their TrustedID service. Instead, the tweet rewrote equifaxsecurity2017 as securityequifax2017, a site tagged for phishing.
FEMA sent a tweet intended to provide people with information on assistance for dealing with damaged roofs. Instead it went to a phone sex hotline. The number was supposed to be a “1-888” number, not a “1-800” number.

A guy goes into a Starbucks with a mask and tries to rob the place. A customer tries to stop him and they scuffle. The customer gets stabbed but then takes the knife and stabs the would be robber multiple times. Now the robber may sue the customer for his injuries.


A couple of hikers had to call for a rescue after they decided to smoke some weed at the peak of their trip and found themselves too stoned to hike back down.
A New Zealand Woman, convicted of drunk driving and public endangerment, showed up so drunk to her sentencing hearing that the judge was unable to complete the hearing at that time. Court staff claimed she was so drunk they would have to carry her into the courtroom. Eventually she received jail time, a suspended license, her car was impounded, and she will have 3 years with a no-alcohol license. 



“My goal is to entertain you each and every show. Now in my second year, this rebooted podcast has interview segments and musical guests. Come back and check the show out again.”


 -Promos This Week-

Gareth’s Random Ramblings
Couch Potato Files