Practical Valentine’s Chores: ODO 175

Published by Odd Dad Out on

It’s Valentine’s Day! For some it’s a time to get romantic and maybe shower your significant other with gifts. For me, it’s kinda complicated. First off I have no clue what to get my wife. All of the standard gifts either wont work or are too expensive. That and I’m just too financially practical to justify spending the money for a lot of things.

Then I get into my kids’ outright refusal to clean their bedrooms, even to the point of doing other chores that they aren’t responsible for, just so they don’t have to do the ones that they are.

Finally, another founding member of the Podfix network has announced their ending. We’re saying goodbye to “Weird With You.”

-Recommended Listening-

Weird With You

Weird With You
Weird With You

This week “Weird With You” announced that they would be ending their show after episode 180. Life just got to be too much work to juggle with a podcast. So farewell Weird With You. It’s been a ton of laughs.


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