Playing With Chris Osborne: ODO 133

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It’s time for January’s guest of the month, and starting the year off is Chris Osborne from “Play Comics” and the “Meddling Kids” podcasts. Of course we talk about Chris’ shows, and because I can’t keep my brain on straight we go off into an assortment of tangents. We get into podcasting and the issues with reaching out to guests, and Chris shares his pick for Recommended Listening, “Chrises On Infinite Earths.”

Chris Osborne
Chris Osborne

Chris is the host of “Play Comics” and “Meddling Kids.” He lives in South Carolina, if you want to stalk him. He went to culinary school, and like me, doesn’t use those skills professionally. He’s both a videogame and comic enthusiast, but will not ever claim to be an expert. He is married to Kayleigh, who is also his co-host on “Meddling Kids,” so ladies back off. She will cut you.

I met Chris through one of the many podcasting groups on Facebook that we have in common. I tended to like and comment on many of his episode posts as he talks about comics and videogames, and I’m kind of a nerd and fan. After some time of this, Chris reached out to me to be a guest on “Play Comics.” I joined him on episode 33 to talk about “Spider-man and X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge.” I freely admit it’s not a great game, but I still enjoy it. Blame the nostalgia. In the time since, we have become very good friends, and now will chat on a regular basis. Not bad for just liking some guy’s facebook post eh?

Play Comics
Play Comics

I was sitting around with my wife one day watching some Marvel cartoons and we started talking about how the shows were condensing story lines and characters when I had a realization. I’d grown up playing all of these video games about super heroes without reading much of the comics. So being the giant dork that I am, I decided that I needed to go back and look at the games I’d grown up on and see how faithful they stayed to the source material.

Then I figured I should take it further. Instead of just looking at the games I’d grown up on, why not look at everything? So the idea for Play Comics was formed.

Play Comics on Facebook

@PlayComicsCast on Twitter

@PlayComicsPodcast on Instagram

Meddling Kids

Meddling Kids is a show that looks at Scooby-Doo. But it’s not just a show recap, you can find that anywhere. We aim to look at the series and see why it has stood the test of time so much better than other cartoons of the same age, how it was able to avoid some of the pitfalls that the other cartoons fell into, that sort of thing. Maybe even find a new appreciation for Scrappy, and I’m not joking about that at all by the way.

Meddling Kids on Facebook

@meddlingkidspod onTwitter

Recommended Listening
Chrises On Infinite Earths
Chrises on Infinite Earths

An all-ages comics podcast by husband and wife duo, Chris and Christina Eddleman, that delves into the biggest comic book crossover events that you need to know.

-Promos and Shoutouts-

Play Comics
Chrises on Infinite Earths

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