A Friendly Troll, Bad Cops, and A Rough Giraffe: ODO 118

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Another week, another show where I don’t have a jumping off point. But that quickly takes a turn into my revelation that, when it comes to my friendships, I’m kind of a troll. But I’m a friendly troll. In a long overdue Recommended Listening, this week I’m talking about the Rough Giraffe Podcast. And finally, the Jackass of the Week brings us a couple of Detroit police precincts who really need a lesson in communication.



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-Recommended Listening-

Rough Giraffe podcast

Join Mum and Stacey for a quirky comedy podcast full of stories, facts and a wonky cat!


Rough Giraffe

Take 1 part “Varmints,” 1 part “The Story Behind,” add a fist full of zany and a “wonky” cat and you get Rough Giraffe. I will admit that I was never really interested in this show. I had heard the name dropped several times in podcasting groups and on other podcasts, but I never really knew what it was, or what it was about. Man, am I kicking myself now.  Stacey and “Mum” provide a plethora of useful facts and trivia, and a splash of history to even the silliest of topics. I have learned things about penises, bellybuttons, and brains that I never really wanted to know, but it’s cool that I know now. Of course they don’t just cover anatomy. They also cover everything from marriage to pets and anything in between with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Absolutely hilarious, and a must listen for just about anybody. But you may want to send your kids to the other room.

-Jackass Of The Week-
Detroit Police Accidently Try To Arrest Each Other In Failed “Drug Bust”

Two Detroit area police precincts became caught up in a violent, yet hilarious, case of mistaken identity and miscommunication. When officers from Detroit’s 12th precinct set up a sting operation posing as drug dealers, the last thing they expected was that the “drug buyers” that arrived would be undercover officers from the 11th precinct doing a similar operation. When more officers from the 11th precinct arrived to serve a search warrant, the scene turned into a full blown brawl between the two sets of officers.


-Promos and Shoutouts-


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