Dental Distress and Gilligan’s Island In Space: ODO 176

Published by Odd Dad Out on

How was your Valentine’s Day? Mine went well enough. That is, until our son knocked one of his teeth out. But that didn’t stop us from buying all of the kids bikes only 2 days later. Never mind that none of them knew how to ride one. Speaking of hilarious situations, this week’s Recommended Listening feature is going to another sci-fi disaster comedy audio drama. I’m talking about Oz-9.

-Recommended Listening-


Spring 2142 and Gated Galaxies has launched its 400 Oz-8000 ships, each carrying 50,000 “resting guests” to, hopefully, a new home on a shiny, brand-new planet. As soon as they find one. IF they find one.
This is the story of one of those ships – the Oz 9 – and its tiny crew of hopeless incompetents. So far, they’ve been in space half an hour and several hundred people are dead. So… bright future, clearly.

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