Fun In The Kitchen- Matt Heyman Pt 2: ODO 180

For part 2 of my interview with Matt Heyman of “PreRecorded Live,” it’s all about food. I’m a cook. Matt is a trained chef. We can talk food about as much as we can talking podcasting. As a matter of fact, this half of the conversation is the reason I split it into two episodes in the first place. No trigger warning this week except to say, maybe don’t listen if you’re hungry.

(Psssssttttt…. The rest of the info is the same as part 1)


Laughing Through Our Fears- Matt Heyman- Part 1: ODO 179

For the next two weeks I’ll be releasing my “interview” with Matt Heyman from “PreRecorded Live.” In part 1 of the interview, we get into a wide range of topics. From general tech, to home improvement, and even to how we would cope with various life changing traumas, including Matt’s three brushes with cancer.

-Trigger Warning-

This episode actually touches on some heavier topics, namely my personal robbery trauma, Matt’s cancer battles, and how we feel we would cope with certain traumatic situations. Of course this is all done with a healthy dose of comedy because that’s who we are. We don’t get especially serious, but if those types of subjects may bother you, next week will be much lighter. Also, Matt had testicular cancer, sooooo there’s lots of ball talk. (Hence the walnuts in the episode art hehe…)

ODO 116

I’m Bad At Friends: ODO 116

This week I’ve got a quick-ish spot about the recent storm that hammered my neighborhood. In place of a full feature, for Recommended Listening I mention a couple shows I’ve just started listening to that will get a future feature. I’ve got a “Jackass” who’s affair cost him millions. And I ramble on about my recent epiphany that I’m really just not very good with friends.



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ODO 104

ODO 104: Cancer Sucks Noodles


I’ve been in kind of a funk lately. Leading up to the Livestream For The Cure, a number of my friends, some of them involved in the event, have been slapped by the evil bastard that is cancer. So I talk about that for a bit. Short show this time around. I originally didn’t intend to release this episode but changed my mind. Not a lot of laughs. To lighten things up I continue with my coverage of LFTC guest with this week’s featured podcast, “Who Spiked The Puns?”


ODO 86: Yule Time, Christmas Shopping, and New Ideas For 2018

 This week I’m breaking format completely. No news, no Jackass Of The Week, no Recommended Listening. I’m going old school for the last show of the year and just vamping. I get into my returning to work while healing from my rib injuries, what we did for our Yule holiday, checking out Christmas lights, trying to go shopping on Christmas Day, and what I want to do with the show for next year.
 In 2018 I would like to start using the Recommended Listening segment to feature podcast submissions from listeners. I can only suggest so many shows personally, and I want to hear what you are listening to. Send me you recommendations/ reviews either written or in audio form to I am turning the segment over to you, dear listener. As a bonus, if you submit a feature to me for the show, I will put all of those together and draw one out to win some Odd Dad Out Swag. 
Happy New Year! I hope to see you in 2018. Thank You and Goodnight…

ODO 74: Five A-Holes and An Irish Couch Potato

Doing a segment shuffle this week. I decide to lead with the news, including: a brave proctologist, an artist’s prank that people are still falling for, and a guy who wants a Masters Degree without any of the work. Then I go on a bit of a rant about my taste in alcohol, or more accurately why is it that people give me crap over not really drinking and never doing drugs. Finally, I wrap things up with A-hole number 6 (or is it 7?) Chris the Mole Man from The Couch Potato Files.

(download mp3)


Two Florida men were arrested for “allegedly” trying to steal a power pole after Hurricane Irma. By “allegedly” I mean they were found with a pole strapped to their truck.

    These two were caught stealing a JEA pole just this morning! Citizens watching out and officers cleaning up = partnership! #Irma #JSO

    — Jax Sheriff’s Office (@JSOPIO) September 13, 2017

    A proctologist gave himself a colonoscopy to understand the pain he was inflicting on his patients. I’ve never had one, but I’ve been told having a hose shoved up your backside with a camera on it, isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world.

    Artist Piero Manzoni canned and sold his own poop to post- WWII art snobs to prove that they would buy anything if you told them it was art. And people are still buying his cans today.

    • N.C. Woman Claims To Make A Spray That Attracts Bigfoot

    For only $7 a bottle you can buy a spray that a woman claims will attract any Bigfoot within a 1 1/2 mile radius. It has yet to work.


    A man paid $8000 so he could have a Master’s Degree that used his life experience to determine that he earned the degree instead of actually studying or attending classes or taking tests. Yet he was surprised to find out it was a fake degree.


    The Couch Potato Files

    “Mysteries, conspiracies, weird history and the unexplained a new topic each Friday so join me, on the couch crack open a beer and maybe have a few laughs as we explore the weird and strange of the Couch Potato Files. Call and leave a voicemail at 559-425-8621 would love to hear from you.”



    Pizza Podcast
    PreRecorded Live

     -Promos –

    Unwritable Rant


    Mike Jolitz Show

    International Podcast Day

    ODO 42: Defending Barbie

    Defending Barbie

     This week news broke that Amy Schumer is in talks to lead a Barbie movie. I can’t get behind this, but not for the reason you might think. Plus I launch a new “Recommended Listing” segment by talking about “PreRecorded Live.” As always there’s “BS from the News.” And in the the “Jackass of the Week” I have a word or two about being a responsible smoker.

    Adam’s Rant

    Amy Schumer is in talks to write and star in a live action Barbie movie.

    Since news broke of the Amy Schumer lead Barbie movie, there has been more than enough hate thrown around. Most of that hate has to do with the fact that Amy Schumer bears ZERO resemblance to any Barbie doll. I don’t think she should be playing Barbie, but it has nothing to do with her looks. I honestly just don’t think she is the right person to play such an iconic character. The reported plot of the movie will be a comedy involving Schumer’s Barbie being an outcast who leaves the Barbie world for the “real” world. Lessons are learned and she returns to save the Barbie world… Blah blah blah. The problem is that Amy Schumer’s style of “funny” is completely counter to the wholesome image that Barbie represents. Plenty of people love her style of comedy. I don’t think she’s funny, but either way she is an “adult” comic. Barbie is a children’s character and should be given a treatment that is fitting of an icon of her stature. I honestly cannot picture any version of a comedy lead by Amy Schumer that could be true to who Barbie is and what she represents. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it can work. I just honestly feel like putting any comedienne like Amy Schumer in the iconic shoes of Barbie, is degrading to the legacy of the role, and fundamentally damaging to the brand that has been around for nearly 60 years.

    Bullshit From the News

    ‘Full House’ Creator Jeff Franklin Purchases Tanners’ Real-Life Home

    My new house in San Francisco. Look familiar?!
    A photo posted by Jeff Franklin (@fullerhouseguy) on


    Man breaks into neighbor’s apartment to steal Wi-Fi

     An Ohio man was arrested after breaking in to his neighbor’s apartment in order to steal her Wi-Fi password.

    Jackass of the Week

     Christmas float catches fire after ‘Grinch’ flicks cigarette

    An unidentified man flicked a lit cigarette at a Whoville themed float on it’s way to a parade in Huntsville, Alabama,  burning it to the ground.

    Recommended Listening

    Prerecorded Live

    Tuesdays Matt, Joe, and Becky talk about the latest Nerdy News and Geek out on all kinds of things. Then on Friday they switch it up for the Foodie Friday show, turning the fun on a different food topic. Legit nerds while still being normal people. Tons of fun, and easy to get into for even the most basic of nerds. Five Stars all the way.

    Check out PreRecorded Live at
    Find ODO on Twitter and Facebook @odddadout
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    ODO 41: Getting Back to Chatting

    Getting Back to Chatting

    Recently the show has taken a wide turn from where it originally began. This week I bring things back with a good old fashioned chatting train of thought. I talk about why I took a break for a few weeks, some thoughts on the recent Presidential election, and some podcasts I’ve gotten into recently.

    Thanks to Mark from “What’s Happening with the NewMan” and Matt from “PreRecorded Live” for really just being my friends and not letting me walk away from the show when I get a bit frazzled.


    What’s Happening with the NewMan

    Check out all the Odd Dad Podcast Network shows at