I Can’t Feel My Arms: NAPODPOMO- Ep 8

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Buying a house is kind of a pain in the ass. Even more, packing up our stuff is a pain in the everything else. Since it is a federal holiday, my wife and all of the boys were out of school for Veteran’s Day. So, we used the day to clean/ sort/ and pack up everything in the garage.
Also, I know I am 4 episodes behind on my 30 episodes in 30 days. I will have a few news episodes that will be popping up in the coming weeks to catch up. Stay tuned.

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Wendy · November 13, 2019 at 1:51 am

Adam! I found your podcast via the NAPODPOMO feed. (I’m doing it as well.) I can’t believe you’re doing this challenge while in the process of moving! That’s insane. But you’re doing great. I hope you’re arm recovers quickly.

Your story about the boxes of books brings back bad memories. There was a time when having a vast collection of books was something I coveted–until I had to move. No more. These days, I have 2,000+ Kindle books and, maybe, 50 print books. Print books are the best for kids, but, wow do they make a move hard.

Looking forward to checking back in as the month unfolds!

    Odd Dad Out · November 13, 2019 at 11:18 am

    Yeeeeah… I’m kind of a glutton for punishment that way. I very nearly decided to quit the entire thing on account of the move. But I have several interviews that were done for it and I don’t want to have wasted all of their time.
    By the way, thank you for leaving a comment. Seriously, nobody ever comments on the website lol.

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