Third Time’s The Charm: ODO 197

After a few abandoned attempts at this episode, I give a much shorter rundown of my experience getting Covid. I throw in an impromptu “What Adam’s Listening To” about “Less Is Morgue.” I plead for your podcast suggestions. And I finally give you my formal review of “The Unwritable Rant.


Review: The Unwritable Rant: Bourbon Fueled Debauchery of The Best Kind

The Unwritable Rant

Join author and occasional misanthrope Juliette Miranda for bourbon-soaked personal stories and celebrity interviews. From misadventures working in the music industry, dating disasters and an incautious life with “her guy,” Juliette knocks back 30 minutes of relatable, revealing, and comically real stories. She occasionally invites top comedians, actors, and musicians to join her and share their own stories about life and more. Every episode is paired with a short bourbon review, because all good stories should come with a side of booze.
Four Stars


  • Excellent audio quality
  • Highly engaging stories
  • Great storytelling style
  • Variety of tone
  • Funny but also can be very emotional
  • You really get to know the recurring “characters”


  • Bourbon reviews feel disjointed from main content*
  • Celebrity interviews don’t fit with regular episode style*
  • Vulgarity/ Debauchery
  • Some stories can get quite graphic

*Segments are no longer part of current episode format.


The Rise Of Neck Tattoos: ODO 163

Kind of an uneventful week I guess. We went to the first food truck event of the season, (now that the sun wont cook all the vendors inside their trucks.) I give an update on my whole “being sick” thing. No news theme this week, just stupidity. There’s a guy who got fired over his attendance record, an idiot who tried to fight a grizzly bear, and an unplanned rant inspired by Moby’s new neck tattoo. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, we’re exploring the New Kingdom of America with “The Rise of King Asilas.


ODO 99: Have I Mentioned I’m Easily Distracted?

Once again I’m behind this week on account of my being easily distracted by different things. I’ve been trying out recording music and building a new website for the show (which was a total bust.) The news brings in oblivious archaeologists, militant vegans, and some people seriously manipulating their faith. I drop in a little #NiceGuyAdam segment, and in lieu of a podcast feature, I’m talking about the Livestream For The Cure 2.0 coming up May 18-20.


