ODO 195

Let’s Finish Catching Up: ODO 195

In the last episode I started to talk about all of the things that I’ve been up to during the hiatus, before getting thumb deep into a bloody mess. This time the plan is to give you the rest of the update that I meant to give last time. And oh boy! Do I have a lot of stuff to share with you! I’m not gonna cover everything right now. We all know that would take hours and I’m completely capable of doing it. Instead, I’ll hit some high points, and if you want to hear more about something, you can just let me know.
And finally, an update on how the featured podcast segment is changing, and my first rebooted podcast review feature is going to, my very first audio drama love, “Welcome to Night Vale.”


Working In The Sun With Florida Man: ODO 185

This week we’re back to a “normal” show with the tale of my 3 day battle with the sun and the sprinklers. The news is back with 4 “Florida Man” stories from this week, and in Recommended Listening, it’s a new show from a past featured host. It’s time to get up and go jogging with Stacey Frost and “Run With Me On This.”


Strength, Fiends, Landscaping: ODO 174

Continuing the saga of my back yard, this week I finally got a landscaper hired. I also give a little insight into why the show has been so inconsistent for the last few weeks. And I swear it’s not an ad, but I talk about finally getting sucked into playing “Best Fiends.” Finally, in the return of Recommended Listening, I’m talking music, fitness, and philosophy in this week’s feature: “Strength, Love Metal.


A Sick Dog, R. Kelly, A Girl, And Her Horror: ODO 165

Geeze I’m busy this week. With all of the preparing for NAPODPOMO I almost forgot I still needed to do a regular episode. On top of that, our dog has been sick and I’ve been having to take him back and forth to his vet with no answers yet. In the news: I’ve got a guy who likes to scam scammers, a stupid woman who should have been eaten, and R. Kelly reaffirming that he’s not only a douchebag, but also a jackass. Finally in Recommended Listening, I’m gonna try to keep it creepy for October with this week’s feature: “A Girl And Her Horror.”


The Rise Of Neck Tattoos: ODO 163

Kind of an uneventful week I guess. We went to the first food truck event of the season, (now that the sun wont cook all the vendors inside their trucks.) I give an update on my whole “being sick” thing. No news theme this week, just stupidity. There’s a guy who got fired over his attendance record, an idiot who tried to fight a grizzly bear, and an unplanned rant inspired by Moby’s new neck tattoo. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, we’re exploring the New Kingdom of America with “The Rise of King Asilas.
