Counterfeit Vaseline and Llama Marshmallows: ODO 206

Somehow I managed to do a shorter show than usual by knowing what I was going to talk about. How the hell does that work? I explain the significance of llama shaped marshmallows as a sign of a return to normalcy in the world. My AC went out just before the summer really got rolling in. And I bring back “BS From The News” with counterfeit Vaseline, weaponized pizza, and the revelation that, shocker, Nestle food apparently isn’t good for you.


Working In The Sun With Florida Man: ODO 185

This week we’re back to a “normal” show with the tale of my 3 day battle with the sun and the sprinklers. The news is back with 4 “Florida Man” stories from this week, and in Recommended Listening, it’s a new show from a past featured host. It’s time to get up and go jogging with Stacey Frost and “Run With Me On This.”
