ODO 144

Allergies, Keyboard Cats, and Other Unbelievably Stupid Things: ODO 144

Back in true form. I’m all over the place this week. I go from allergy meds to my cat coffee-ing my keyboard. The news brings a lot of porn, a big waste of money, and the worst penis enlargement idea ever. And in Recommended Listening it’s the now 5 time featured John Bukenas and his “Unbelievably Stupid Podcast.”

ODO 136

“Dirty Bits” of Addictive Candy: ODO 136

Just when I think I’ve escaped the most addictive candy based mobile game in history, my wife just has to pull me back in. But that’s not all. I’ve also got a few words to say about Peeps as well. In the news I have an ironic fire and another repeat offender. It’s the return of Martina Big in the Jackass of the Week. Finally, after what has got to be the longest wait of any planned feature, this week I am talking all about “The Dirty Bits Podcast.”

ODO 135

Stupid, Busy, and Strange :ODO 135

Man! When it rains, it pours. In this case, I’m flooded with new opportunities in voice acting for podcasts. Of course, that wont keep me from bitching about douchebag grooms and pre-infected tissues. And I swear I featured this show before, but I can’t remember when. I’m talking about “Poplar Cove.”

ODO 108

ODO 108: Kinder Grads, Car Trouble, and Conspiracies

So last week was super busy. Between Kindergarten graduation, my brother in town, and other family events, I just didn’t have time to record a new episode. It was fun but busy. Aaannnd then Saturday night hit, and my weekend turned from great to crap on a dime. In the news I’ve got a 15 minute marriage, skipping work to be a god, and some very adult puppets getting in trouble with their friendlier cousins. The Jackass of the Week goes to a plastic surgeon who needs to spend some time behind bars instead of in front of a camera. Finally in Recommended Listening, it’s time to get our conspiracy on with Hysteria 51.

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