Sick Baby and Lost Segments #NaPodPoMo Day 13

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Sorry I missed day 12, but I had a very busy day with other podcasting stuff and it just got to be too late.
I’m coming out of my illness while my wife got to take it on herself, and now our 2 year old seems to be getting it as well. 🙁
Since I missed it in Ep 81, I shared one of 2 “Jackass of The Week” stories I had planned. This one involves a woman with a pool, a kid, and a minivan. Nuff said!
Thank you to everybody for all the get well wishes, you’re all awesome.

(And because I’m dumb I didn’t cue the music before the end and got to vamp. The wonders of unedited audio folks. See you tomorrow.)


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