Parent Teacher Conferences and Pizza Delivery: ODO 73

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Part of my job as the daytime parent at home is going to school functions. Most annoying of these is parent/teacher conferences. Maybe I’m a little harsh on them, but I’ll leave that for you to decide. In the News: Hurricane Irma hitting Florida brought out all sorts of crazies #BecauseFlorida. Plus, a few really dumb thieves, a jackass who wants to marry his computer, and a pizza guy who may be my new spirit animal on “The Pizza Podcast.”

(download mp3


  • Florida Residents Fight Against Hurricane Irma

Some people tried to redirect the storm using fans
Others just wanted to let out their frustrations by shooting into it.

  • ASL Interpreter Translates Hurricane Emergency Press Conference Wrong

  • Two Men Try To Rob Bar Full of Cops


Man Sues Multiple States Over Gay Rights, So He Can Marry His Computer


Pizza Podcast
“This is a podcast based on all the crazy s**t that goes through my head

 as I deliver pizza.”


 -Promos This Week-

Gareth’s Random Ramblings


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