ODO 106: Beers, Bears, Pizza, And Plumbing

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Once again I do not have the Epic Film Guys on the show and it’s totally my fault this time. My brain is all over the place this week. From Livestream For The Cure, to wanting to get into podcast editing and voiceover work, to home plumbing issues. It’s been a busy week. I’ve got an SMF news break from Mike Jolitz, beer that’s not beer, a pizza festival without pizza, a family dog that’s not a dog and more. For Recommended Listening I’m talking more about the Livestream For The Cure and the Hello Cancer WTF campaign for Perry Johnson and how you can help.




-BS From The News-



All Free All Time is a new “beer” that is zero calorie, zero alcohol, and completely clear. It’s being marketed to those who enjoy the taste of beer but don’t want any of the negative stigma associated with it.



After an oven broke at an all you can eat pizza festival, organizers left guests waiting for up to an hour to get a single slice. Even when they did get anything, guests were left very disappointed.


After neighbors repeatedly complained about her singing and loud music, a UK woman was issued a 2 year restraining order against making excessive noise that would aggravate her neighbors. When she failed to follow the court orders, they issued a warrant for her arrest.


A Chicago man is facing charges of theft and mail fraud after he used a standard post office change of address form to forward the mail from UPS headquarters to his apartment. He then proceeded to cash multiple checks intended for the shipping service.



-Jackass Of The Week-


black bear

After 2 Years, Family Realizes Pet Dog Is a Bear

A family in China recently discovered that their 2 year old “puppy” was actually an Asiatic black bear. They originally believed it was a Tibetan Mastiff, but after the “dog” reached over 250 lbs and started walking on 2 legs, they knew it was something else.


-Recommended Listening-


Livestream For The Cure

Livestream For The Cure

Hello Cancer WTF

Recently, good friend and fellow podcaster, Perry Johnson from Hello Life WTF and The Pod Stuff was diagnosed with an inoperable form of stomach cancer, which has spread to his liver and the lymph nodes in his throat. They have chosen to fight this cancer to the end and he has begun preparations for chemotherapy. This recent development only adds to the strain on this family. As the sole financial support in his family, Perry’s inability to work through treatment makes things that much more difficult.



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