ODO 28: Iguanas, and Black Bears, and Does, Oh My!

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Iguanas, and Black Bears, and Does, Oh My!

     I swear I’m not sick all the time! This week I take the show in a new direction (again) and get back to the comedy foundation this show was intended to have. To that end I have opted to seek out strange news stories to pick on and ridicule for your amusement.
     Completely unintentionally, I have fallen into an animal theme this week. I’ve got courtroom iguanas, bears in marathons, and a killer deer. Of course none of this would be funny if somebody didn’t do something dumb. Enjoy!

-X-ray catches man trying to sneak iguana into courtroom
    A man in Boulder, CO was denied entry to a courtroom when security officials saw the skeletal outline of an iguana on the x-ray of his bag.

-Black Bear attacks woman running marathon in New Mexico
     A woman in northern New Mexico was attacked by a mother bear while running a marathon through a wildlife preserve.
-Ohio Woman ‘Prisoner’ in Own Home Due to Deer Attacks
     A woman in Ohio has contacted local Fish and Game authorities claiming she is being held prisoner in her own home by a doe that has attacked her while walking her dogs.

Is it just me or are people slowly becoming dumber than the animals we are supposed to be superior to? Whether it is somebody attacked in a zoo exhibit or in a pond in Florida, it all amounts to ignorance and negligence on the part of the human. Animals are being animals. People are supposed to know better. They are not called wild animals for nothing. The inevitable conclusion is that we are slowly de-evolving until the animals take over and we have something akin to a “Babar” or “Planet of the Apes” situation. Or I could just be “poking the bear”


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