Family Chaos w/ Raevyn Lunatik and Little Jae Sinclair: ODO 83

Published by Odd Dad Out on

There are no words to describe what happens when my family comes on the podcast other than pure chaos. This week I’m joined by my sister, Raevyn Lunatik, and her daughter, Little Jae Sinclair. These are professional names of course. Raevyn, apart from being my oldest sister, is also a skater for the AZ Derby Dames and a personal trainer. She is here both for fun but also to announce the launch of and her Lunatik Fit Camps. Little Jae Sinclair is a rising star in the Phoenix and Los Angeles burlesque and fetish dance scene. She can be found performing with both traditional burlesque and horror/ fetish style groups throughout the Phoenix and Los Angeles area.

Raevyn Lunatik:
Twitter @LunatikFitness
Instagram raevyn.lunatik
Facebook @RaevynLunatik

Little Jae Sinclair:

Twitter @ LittleJSinclair
Facebook @littlejsinclair
Instagram littlejsinclair


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