ODO 123

Letting The Voices Out: ODO 123

To say this show is a little random would be an understatement. I go from talking about car issues and why I missed last week, to adventures in voice acting. I get a little psycho-analytical, and somewhere in there I crack open my brain a bit and the voices in my head start leaking through. Have I mentioned normal is not my specialty? In the news I’ve got Apple “fixing” an emoji, a bunch of jealous parents, and a wannabe Texas Chainsaw Massacre who’s getting fitted for a peg leg.


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ODO 105

ODO 105: I’m Not A Doctor, But I Play One On YouTube



I know I promised an Epic Film Guys guest spot this week, but sometimes schedules don’t work out the best. I get into why I’ve got 2 shows that dropped this week,  and I share my experience from just a few days ago with my 4 year old and a scorpion. I’ve also got an SMF News break from Mike Jolitz and a very full news segment on my own with a lot of tales of YouTube doctoring. And finally in recommended listening, I’ve got a very funny straightforward movie podcast featuring 2 movie professionals from Australia, “We Watched A Thing.

