Strength, Fiends, Landscaping: ODO 174

Continuing the saga of my back yard, this week I finally got a landscaper hired. I also give a little insight into why the show has been so inconsistent for the last few weeks. And I swear it’s not an ad, but I talk about finally getting sucked into playing “Best Fiends.” Finally, in the return of Recommended Listening, I’m talking music, fitness, and philosophy in this week’s feature: “Strength, Love Metal.


New Year, New Home

If you’ve been listening to the podcast or following me on any of the social medias, you would know that right around Christmastime we purchased our first, and hopefully only, new home. If you’ve ever purchased a home, you will know how much that whole process SUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKSSSSSSSSSS!!! That’s not even counting the whole packing up everything, moving, unpacking, and cleaning the old house out with the miniscule hope of getting back any part of your deposit. There’s just so many different verifications and meetings and reverifications and documents and reverifications and processes and reverifications followed by a marathon session of signing so many documents that you start forgetting how to actually spell your name. Have I mentioned it sucks? Just checking… But we did it, and in mid December we moved in to our brand new, never before lived in, home in a gorgeous neighborhood.


Moving Break Over, Welcome to 2020!! ODO 171

After a completely unintended hiatus, I’m back! Welcome to 2020!! I’ve got an update on the move to our new home. I give a kind of loose tour of what’s kept me away. There’s some excitement over my new office. And I give some insight into what I want to do with the show and more in 2020.


We’re Buying A House: NAPODPOMO- Day 6

It’s day 6 of NAPODPOMO, and I’ll just cut right to the chase. The reason I didn’t release an episode on Monday the 4th was because last week we began the process of buying a home. After a post-Halloween visit to a new housing community going up nearby, my wife made the executive decision to pull the trigger on attempting to buy our first house. So now, we’re all sorts of busy.
