“Coming Out” Laughing w/ BSP: Believer Skeptic podcast :ODO 154

Since June is Pride month, I decided to be a little pandery and invite the only gay podcasters I know, Chris and Cody from BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast, on as my Guests of the Month.
If you aren’t familiar, BSP is a paranormal/ supernatural podcast with an LGBT twist.
We talk about our families and how theirs reacted to them “coming out.” I share my experiences having a gay sister who is also pagan and how our family dealt with my wife and I “coming out of the broom closet.” We rip on YouTubers a bit, and I freaked them out with some creepy supernatural stories from my life.

ODO 132

Bronchitis Sucks: ODO 132

I’ve been sick. That’s about it. Long story short, I had a wicked cough last week that was kicking my ass and I just didn’t have the energy to record. Fast forward to this Tuesday and I wake up with a very familiar pain. My bronchitis had flared up and I could hardly get out of bed. And I get around to the news I promised last week..
