It’s almost Christmas. Why not add a little holiday cheer to the show. Gareth’s Random Ramblings is doing their annual Christmas series, and we even got into the spirit this weekend decorating gingerbread houses. Of course I’ve still got a “Jackass of the Week” that throws all that holiday spirit out the window.
So last week was super busy. Between Kindergarten graduation, my brother in town, and other family events, I just didn’t have time to record a new episode. It was fun but busy. Aaannnd then Saturday night hit, and my weekend turned from great to crap on a dime. In the news I’ve got a 15 minute marriage, skipping work to be a god, and some very adult puppets getting in trouble with their friendlier cousins. The Jackass of the Week goes to a plastic surgeon who needs to spend some time behind bars instead of in front of a camera. Finally in Recommended Listening, it’s time to get our conspiracy on with Hysteria 51.