ODO 232

Kicking Butts and Smoking Chickens: ODO 232

It’s been a busy couple weeks and you know I’ve gotta tell you about it. First off, the boys had a taekwondo tournament a few weeks ago. And, despite not coming home with nearly as many medals as some other recent tournaments, we were more proud of them all than probably any other tournament day before strictly becasue of their great attitudes.

Then, watch out, a new “man hobby” has entered the field in the form of smoking meats. We have purchased a smoker, and I got to cook up my very first batch of smoked chicken this last weekend. A lot of lessons were learned, but the food was nevertheless amazing.

ODO 221

Working With My Hands: ODO 221

This week inadvertently became all about working with my hands. From fixing up my late father-in-law’s truck, to working in the garden, to my many years of cooking, and even to some degree podcast editing, I come to realize that I really just like working with my hands.

Glass Gem Corn

If you want to purchase some Glass Gem Corn cobs or corn seed, reach out to me in any of the ways below.


A Trip To The Theater and Other ODO Type Randomness: ODO 212

I discuss the installation of our new solar panel system, provide a garden update including another round trimming the mesquite, I give my super lazy fried chicken recipe, and share my feelings after seeing Hamilton! live. All that, and I totally left stuff off for time!!


Iced Coffee, Alfredo, and More Dental Drama: ODO 211

Another one of my boys knocked out a couple of his teeth. At least they were baby teeth this time.
My garden is pretty empty other than a mantis that I relocated to my strawberry patch.
And I give you a couple really simple recipes for caramel iced coffee, and my grilled chicken alfredo. (Give me some time and I’ll try to get them written down somewhere.)


Fun In The Kitchen- Matt Heyman Pt 2: ODO 180

For part 2 of my interview with Matt Heyman of “PreRecorded Live,” it’s all about food. I’m a cook. Matt is a trained chef. We can talk food about as much as we can talking podcasting. As a matter of fact, this half of the conversation is the reason I split it into two episodes in the first place. No trigger warning this week except to say, maybe don’t listen if you’re hungry.

(Psssssttttt…. The rest of the info is the same as part 1)


Gluten Free Migraine Meals: ODO 178

This week I start off with a little housekeeping, and I explain why it is I’m moving the show to a Monday release. Long story short, it allows me to pre-record shows and work on getting them finalized over the weekend, which means hopefully having consistent releases.
I also talk about my recent art accident and it’s addition to the ODO Merch Shop.

“Chaos Practice” Now available in the ODO Shop

After a break for “Some Kind Of Brown,” I get into the main topic: gluten free meal planning by way of my wife’s migraine medication. It doesn’t sound like two things that are related, but I guarantee you they are. And it has caused us to make some calculated changes in our weekly dinner menu.


ODO 21: A Cook’s Journey

This week I tell the tale of my love for cooking and where it began. From burning my hands on a cookie sheet to making fresh pizza from scratch every week. Join me as I share one of my truly favorite things. It may not be the funniest story, but it’s most definitely a piece of the puzzle that shaped this odd dad.
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