Oh No! What Were You Thinking!?: ODO 162

Soooo… I’m sick. No 2 ways about it. I’ve been coughing my head off, and my voice is shot. So I’m gonna continue to talk about how I’m sick and my voice is shot because I’m smart that way. On a similar “smart” note, all of the news this week can be summed up in one question, “what were they thinking?” There’s a preacher trying to outdo Jesus, a really idiotic French court ruling, and a Jackass who spent his life savings fighting a speeding ticket. But wait, there’s more. In Recommended Listening I’m going back to a show that’s been mentioned but not formally featured, it’s “Oh No! Lit Class.”


“Coming Out” Laughing w/ BSP: Believer Skeptic podcast :ODO 154

Since June is Pride month, I decided to be a little pandery and invite the only gay podcasters I know, Chris and Cody from BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast, on as my Guests of the Month.
If you aren’t familiar, BSP is a paranormal/ supernatural podcast with an LGBT twist.
We talk about our families and how theirs reacted to them “coming out.” I share my experiences having a gay sister who is also pagan and how our family dealt with my wife and I “coming out of the broom closet.” We rip on YouTubers a bit, and I freaked them out with some creepy supernatural stories from my life.
