Oh No! What Were You Thinking!?: ODO 162

Soooo… I’m sick. No 2 ways about it. I’ve been coughing my head off, and my voice is shot. So I’m gonna continue to talk about how I’m sick and my voice is shot because I’m smart that way. On a similar “smart” note, all of the news this week can be summed up in one question, “what were they thinking?” There’s a preacher trying to outdo Jesus, a really idiotic French court ruling, and a Jackass who spent his life savings fighting a speeding ticket. But wait, there’s more. In Recommended Listening I’m going back to a show that’s been mentioned but not formally featured, it’s “Oh No! Lit Class.”

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Bonus Episode

It’s time for a BONUS EPISODE!! I had a busy week…………………………………………………………………

ThIs FeEd HaS bEeN iNTeRCePtEd By OpErAtIoN: SwItChEroO. We CoNtRoL tHiS pOdCaSt NoW. PlEaSe StAnD bY for “A Podcast About Something

ThEy ArE lOcAtEd At http://apodcastaboutsomething.com/
YoU cAn FiNd ThEm On TwItTeR aT @APASomething

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Something, Nothing, Anything, and Everything

In ThIs EpIsOdE: 

Join Kalvin and Nick this week on the banks of the Hellespont as we discuss stepping up against overwhelming odds, laughter in the face of evil, and standing strong at a pivotal moment in history with defeat all but certain: the Battle or Thermopylae. We take a look at the lead up and composition of both sides of one of the most significant battles of the last 2,000 years and what led to victory and the survival of Western civilization. The intensity is dialed up to 11 as an army that blots out the sun with its arrows and drinks rivers dry clashes with a conglomerate of men led by some of the most badass warriors and tacticians in all of history. Listen well, the fate of the ancient world depends on it.

ThAnK yOu FoR yOuR cOoPeRaTiOn
EnD TrAnSmIsSiOn…