ODO Ep10: Holiday Cheer

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Episode 10: Holiday Cheer

  • Show delays: Been sick again but this time I’m pretty sure I got food poisoning. I swear I don’t usually get sick this often. Well maybe just in wintertime…
  • Visit from my little brother: My younger brother came to visit with his wife and daughter from San Antonio, TX this past week. (This also contributed to not doing a show last week.) They stayed with us for a week and my boys couldn’t have been more excited. My sister in-law even managed to get them to clean up the house while I slept off an especially long night at work. Included in the trip was the first holiday celebration with our mother and all 6 of her children in 10 years.
  • Holiday Season: Recorded on Christmas Eve 2015 the topic of the holidays had to come up. I don’t care how you say it, or what you celebrate, it’s that time of year when we are all supposed to get together and be merry and giving. If you are seriously going to be offended because somebody wished you a Merry Christmas, you’re being an asshole. And I don’t know of any asshole holidays this time of year. Whether you celebrate any particular holiday or none at all, there is no reason to be offended by somebody sharing a positive sentiment. No matter what holiday you observe, the over-arching theme is togetherness and love and giving. What reason is there to be offended. Even if it’s not your religion, or your holiday, suck it up and stop being such a dick.

Have a  Happy Winter Solstice based Seasonal Holiday, and a Pleasant Upcoming Calendar Cycle as well.

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