ODO 76: Vamping About Podcasting

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Since I didn’t get to do a special episode for International Podcast Day on Sept 30th, I decided that I would spend this week just talking podcasting. In honor of his, long overdue, win in this year’s Podcast Awards, this week’s Recommended Listening feature goes to Dave Jackson and the School of Podcasting.

(download mp3) 



“Established in 2005 if you want to learn about podcasting this is the show for you. It’s been described by many as the most entertaining and unique of all the “Podcast About Podcasting.” Dave Jackson gets to the point and talks about podcasting. We discuss ways to plan a successful launch that will get you ranking high in iTunes, finding the best gear on a budget, developing content that leaves people wanting more. He has been helping people understand technology and has been called “The Analogy King.” His style is “edutainment” and you will always walk away with useful knowledge and insights. Dave Jackson is the original, and if you don’t like the first episode you hear – give him two more and he’ll change your mind.”

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