Corrections and Apologies

Published by Odd Dad Out on

Hi everyone, I have an announcement to make. I have made a huge mistake that has put a strain on my marriage. In the latest episode of my podcast, Odd Dad Out (episode 92 “Football, Fish Tanks and Karen & Ellen”) at the 5 minute, 10 second mark, I misspoke and called my wife a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Please know that my wife is not now, nor has she ever been a Dallas Cowboys fan. My wife is a beautiful, smart, funny woman who is nothing short of amazing. She’s an Oakland Raiders fan of course, because they play real football, and the Cowboys have and always will, suck.

I know the emotional damage from the kind of slander I directed at my wife can never be undone and all I can do is offer my deepest, sincerest apologies for the mistake I have made. ReAnna, I love you. Go Raiders.

Categories: Podcast


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