Kate Wallinga- Ignorance Is Bliss: NAPODPOMO -Ep 12

Today’s NAPODPOMO gift is my more formal chat with Kate Wallinga from “Ignorance Is Bliss” and “Lifeworld.” This is actually the conversation that we originally sat down to have back in September that turned into my October guest of the month episode. That being said, if you’ve listened to that, you may notice some overlapping beats.


Checkin’ In With Csomo- Recommended Listening: NAPODPOMO- EP 11

For Ep 11 of NAPODPOMO, it’s Follow Friday (#FF) on Twitter and that makes it the perfect time for a Recommended Listening. In honor of National Podcast Post Month, I’m sharing the NAPODPOMO show created by podcast buddy Paul Csomo. We’re “Checkin’ In With Csomo.


I Went To The Grand Canyon: NAPODPOMO- Ep 10

In part 10 of my NAPODPOMO journey I’m getting to my work trip to the Grand Canyon this past weekend. I had originally planned to talk more about the details of the trip, but I realized that nothing really happened. We went up for work. We visited the Grand Canyon as part of it. But I do really love the environment of Arizona. I can go on about that almost as much as I can talk about podcasting.


I Can’t Feel My Arms: NAPODPOMO- Ep 8

Buying a house is kind of a pain in the ass. Even more, packing up our stuff is a pain in the everything else. Since it is a federal holiday, my wife and all of the boys were out of school for Veteran’s Day. So, we used the day to clean/ sort/ and pack up everything in the garage.
Also, I know I am 4 episodes behind on my 30 episodes in 30 days. I will have a few news episodes that will be popping up in the coming weeks to catch up. Stay tuned.


We’re Buying A House: NAPODPOMO- Day 6

It’s day 6 of NAPODPOMO, and I’ll just cut right to the chase. The reason I didn’t release an episode on Monday the 4th was because last week we began the process of buying a home. After a post-Halloween visit to a new housing community going up nearby, my wife made the executive decision to pull the trigger on attempting to buy our first house. So now, we’re all sorts of busy.


Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich Strikes Again: NAPODPOMO-Day 5

Day 5 of NAPODPOMO brings us to The News…

It’s Day 5 of NAPOPOMO and it’s time for some “BS From The News:”
(Trigger warning pssshhh: I use a looootttt of F-bombs in this rant. You’re welcome.)

Man Stabbed To Death Over Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich

A Maryland man was stabbed to death during an argument outside a Popeye’s restaurant. A large line had formed of people wanting to get the, now infamous, Popeye’s chicken sandwich. Apparently the argument began over somebody cutting in line and escalated to the point of one man stabbing another. Authorities attempted life saving measures, but the man later died at a local hospital.


Talking Teeth: NAPODPOMO-Day 4

Sometimes life gets in the way of doing a podcast every day, so you decide to do two in one. For day 4 of NAPODPOMO I’m catching you up on what I was doing, dental wise, in the last few weekends, and how that has affected my eating habits.
TLDR; I had 3 teeth pulled a couple weeks ago, and now I can’t eat normally.
