Something’s Gotta Give, and I’ve Only Got One Thing That Can: ODO 193

The situation with “distance learning” and the battle over mine and my wife’s schedules has reached a point that we are having to make serious changes. Because of our separate work schedules, it has been very difficult to balance work and our boys’ school lessons. We are now having to look into changing our work schedules to accommodate it all. Ultimately, the issue lies with the need to supervise our younger boys during their school day, my wife working during school hours, and my graveyard work schedule necessitating me sleeping during the day. There’s only so many hours in a week, and I need all of the ones available to get sleep and take care of home business.

With that, I’ve decided to put the podcast on an indefinite break until a time that I will be able to continue producing it without having to sacrifice my limited sleeping hours and potentially my health.

I know I have said this in the past, even as recently as earlier this year. But under the current circumstances, I simply cannot continue the show. The stress of trying to navigate my children’s education mixed with my already questionable work/life balance just doesn’t leave any room right now for podcasting. I have even had to pass up paid podcast editing opportunities due to the current lack of any time to do so. I have to take some time to try to find a balance, and hopefully, before too long, I’ll be able to come back to the show. Unfortunately, I do not know when/ if that will happen.

I would like to say, thank you for listening. Thank you for your support for the last 5 years. I know there are far more entertaining shows to listen to than my ramble fest, and you are an amazing group of people that have continued to motivate me to keep going for all this time. And you are also the reason that I will do whatever I have to do to figure this out and come back with all of the energy I had before the world turned upside down.

Is It Friday Yet?: ODO 192

Kind of a follow up to last week’s freak out over the upcoming “distance learning” back to school season; this week I’m talking about how it went and how we addressed that pesky issue of when I’m supposed to sleep.

Side note: With Episode 200 coming up soon, what sort of giveaway would you like this time around? Any ideas for what you’d like me to do for the big show? I honestly have no idea. Maybe another livestream giveaway, if I can swing it…


I’m Kinda Freakin Out: ODO 191

Long story short: school is starting back up this week for my boys and it’s got me a little freaked out, especially for our new Kindergartner. Add that to not knowing how/if I’m going to get any sleep during the boys school days, how/if I’ll have time to manage the podcast, and my half-brained idea to start live streaming the podcast and my art. Yeeeeaaahhh I’m kinda freaking out. Did I mention I’m freaking out?


Almost Kinda Back To School, and Stepping Up My Art: ODO 190

Our boys have one week left before school starts back up, sort of. And I took a step forward in my “art” by buying a digital drawing tablet. Plus a reminder not to hide your drugs in clearly marked bags, and a rundown of the upcoming August 2020 Sunshine Summit.


Summer Camp = Screwy Schedules: ODO 151

Looks like it’s going to be shorter shows for the next couple weeks. Long story short, my boys being in a summer camp program has totally messed with my daily home schedule and I just don’t have the time for longer shows for a couple weeks. But I did give you a little teaser for an upcoming feature.
