Live From “Betty” w/ Lisa and Sam: ODO 141

Guest Time!

The March Guests Of The Month are Lisa and Sam from I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam.
Like all of my guests, we talk a little about podcasting, how they do their show, our pod-friends, and how we became friends in the first place.
In classic Lisa and Sam fashion, we geek out over donuts, spring training baseball, we get into Lisa’s hangups about food, and I make a case for why I should be their designated “Merican,” or at least their “Mexcan-Merican.” As always, tangents abound. For their podcast recommendation they suggest a fellow Canadian podcast, “Nooks and Crannies.”

I Shake My Head w/ Lisa and Sam

I Shake My Head with Lisa and Sam

“I Shake My Head” follows the decades long friendship of two goofy women from Saskatoon who find themselves having some of their best conversations in the car! Yes, they actually record in Sam’s car, “Betty.” It’s not especially deep, or political. But, they don’t want to make you think. They just want to make you laugh and be the least stressful part of your day.


Extended cut includes chats about our ages, the fact that we’ve never had a real conversation before, mix tapes, getting into the zone, and Sam’s bladder.

Recommended Listening

Nooks and Crannies

Nooks and Crannies

Like an open University with no tuition that digs into the politics of everyday life and the activism that shapes it

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