ODO 39: The Power Is Yours

The Power is Yours

This week I’ve got a lesson in trademark law courtesy of Disney and a movie update including Captain Planet. Plus I share my recent experience in DIY plumbing and the “Jackass of the Week” brings another emergency service worker with job issues.

Movie News

Leonardo DiCaprio to Produce Captain Planet Movie  

Big surprise that the “King of the Militant Hippies,” Leonardo DiCaprio is going to produce a Captain Planet movie. I loved Captain Planet as a kid, but seriously do we need another way for Leo to shove an organically grown, carbon neutral, 100% recyclable tree hugging guilt trip collectively down our throats? I get it, you’re into the green living thing. Don’t fuck up my cartoons. “The power is yours.”


Fox releases first trailer for “Logan”

The final Wolverine film, simply titled “Logan,” got it’s first trailer this week and it is beautiful. The movie will apparently follow along the idea of the “old man Logan”comic arc. Personally I loved the use of the Johnny Cash cover of Nine Inch Nails’ “Hurt.” This is just a beautiful trailer hands down.


Lucasfilm sues would-be jedis 

So this is a thing. Apparently there have been multiple Jedi Lightsaber training schools in Europe, but now there is finally one in the good old USA. Too bad for the wannabe Jedi, Lucasfilms is suing to shut down the schools since they violate their trademark. Disney paid a lot of money for Star Wars. You can’t expect them to just let you make money from it without permission.

Nintendo Announces the “Switch”

This week Nintendo released a teaser trailer for the new system formerly known as the NX. the new system officially called the “Switch” is part console and part handheld. The entire thing looks amazing if it works as well as described. It’s definitely a game changer just in its ability to span both sides of gaming.


Indiana firefighter charged with arson 

I’m getting really tired of reading about these emergency service people not doing their damn jobs. On the other hand, this guy liked his job so much, he created more work to do. Unfortunately he seemed to miss the part in fireman orientation where they explained that that is a felony.

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ODO 38: Nerd Scented Candle


Nerd Scented Candle

 This week I changed things up and covered a wide range of news stories including: Janet Jackson’s pregnancy, McDonald’s response to the creepy clowns, a scented candle only nerds can appreciate, and a 911 operator that just didn’t want to do her job.

Janet Jackson Pregnant at 50

 Janet Jackson announced via Twitter and a People Magazine article that she is pregnant with her first child at the age of 50. I wish all the best to Janet and her family, but 50 is very late to be starting off in the child game. Not only does it put her at a severe age disadvantage as a parent, but it is also much riskier for pregnancy. I realize she probably has access to some of the best doctors in the world, but they cannot keep the natural difficulties of pregnancy at 50 from taking their toll.
“We thank God for our blessing” – @JanetJackson

Full article: https://t.co/VHfG8awemp pic.twitter.com/nPVmGVkf7r

— ithl123 (@ithl123) October 12, 2016


McDonald’s Suspends Ronald McDonald in wake of Creepy Clown Epidemic

Due to the idiotic creepy clown epidemic going around the world, McDonald’s has decided to “suspend” all Ronald McDonald activity until the craze calms down. This is a catastrophe. Of all the clowns in the world to take the hit, why does it have to be the one that brings cheeseburgers? 


As if scented candles weren’t annoying enough, somebody made a candle that smells like a freshly opened Apple Mac computer. This is by far the nerdiest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’m actually in the “nerd spectrum.” Neverminding the nerd element of it, how do you know the difference between the smell of a Mac and maybe a Dell?


A 911 operator in Houston, TX has been arrested after an investigation showed she hung up on thousands of callers. An internal audit showed the operator had an extremely high rate of short calls under 20 seconds and investigated. They discovered not only was she hanging up on legitimate emergency calls, but at least one hangup possibly resulted in a man’s death. I cannot believe anybody would get into that line of work if you would even consider hanging up on someone. I hope that nobody else was hurt by her negligence, but if they were, I hope she spends a very long time in jail.
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