The Rise Of Neck Tattoos: ODO 163

Kind of an uneventful week I guess. We went to the first food truck event of the season, (now that the sun wont cook all the vendors inside their trucks.) I give an update on my whole “being sick” thing. No news theme this week, just stupidity. There’s a guy who got fired over his attendance record, an idiot who tried to fight a grizzly bear, and an unplanned rant inspired by Moby’s new neck tattoo. Lastly, in Recommended Listening, we’re exploring the New Kingdom of America with “The Rise of King Asilas.


Let’s try this again: ODO 146

It’s funny how, on a week where all of my topics are revisiting things I’ve talked about in the past, I would also end up re-recording the episode. I get in to going to Foodstock again last weekend and how that all went down. And, in Recommended Listening I pull out a “in case you missed it” for my recent appearance on a previously featured show, “Millennial Pagan Podcast.”

ODO 121

Tackling Food Trucks Pt 3: ODO 121

Another month, another trip to the food trucks. This time, we went in with a plan and had the best, most filling trip yet. Speaking of family fun time, monster number 3 got a little bit of social media traction over a video of him watching his favorite team on BattleBots. Plus, I’ve got a Jackass Bridezilla with a big price tag, and a little chat about International Podcast Day.



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