ODO 86: Yule Time, Christmas Shopping, and New Ideas For 2018

 This week I’m breaking format completely. No news, no Jackass Of The Week, no Recommended Listening. I’m going old school for the last show of the year and just vamping. I get into my returning to work while healing from my rib injuries, what we did for our Yule holiday, checking out Christmas lights, trying to go shopping on Christmas Day, and what I want to do with the show for next year.
 In 2018 I would like to start using the Recommended Listening segment to feature podcast submissions from listeners. I can only suggest so many shows personally, and I want to hear what you are listening to. Send me you recommendations/ reviews either written or in audio form to odddadout@gmail.com. I am turning the segment over to you, dear listener. As a bonus, if you submit a feature to me for the show, I will put all of those together and draw one out to win some Odd Dad Out Swag. 
Happy New Year! I hope to see you in 2018. Thank You and Goodnight…

ODO 85: I Wish You An Odd Christmas

Since Christmas is coming up next week, and the news has a serendipitous way of picking my show themes, this week I’m talking all about Christmas. Around Our house we don’t exactly do “Christmas.” We celebrate Yule, which is the holiday that most Christmas traditions originate from. The news brings tales of twisted stuffing, Christmas eyebrows, tiny cows and more. In place of a regular “Recommended Listening” segment, I’m serving up a list of slightly twisted holiday episodes from some of my favorite podcasts.


A man in the UK is still using a set of Christmas lights his mother purchased 48 years ago. He keeps them permanently on an artificial tree to avoid damaging them and claims he has never had to change a light bulb. 

First off, miniature cows are totally a thing that’s been around for a while. There’s a farmer in Iowa who has managed to breed an entire herd of them averaging only 33 inches tall. That is smaller than some breeds of dogs. So why not skip the puppy and get a mini-cow for Christmas.

Because there’s never a shortage of dumb ways to apply makeup. This year brings a trend of using gel to shape eyebrows to look like trees and then decorate them with jewels and stickers to look like a Christmas tree. 
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In recent years the SJW crowd has turned their sights on our childhoods. Now different people are taking apart Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer claiming it’s everything from a story that supports bullying and exploitation to claiming he’s a transgender icon. Can’t we just let a cartoon be a cartoon and enjoy it?

  • Woman Plans To Eat Her Mother’s Ashes In Her Christmas Stuffing

Claiming that it will bring her closer to her deceased mother, a woman has announced that she intendeds to mix her mother’s ashes into the stuffing in her Christmas turkey. If she’s already cremated, does this still count as cannibalism?


ODO 74: Five A-Holes and An Irish Couch Potato

Doing a segment shuffle this week. I decide to lead with the news, including: a brave proctologist, an artist’s prank that people are still falling for, and a guy who wants a Masters Degree without any of the work. Then I go on a bit of a rant about my taste in alcohol, or more accurately why is it that people give me crap over not really drinking and never doing drugs. Finally, I wrap things up with A-hole number 6 (or is it 7?) Chris the Mole Man from The Couch Potato Files.

(download mp3)


Two Florida men were arrested for “allegedly” trying to steal a power pole after Hurricane Irma. By “allegedly” I mean they were found with a pole strapped to their truck.

    These two were caught stealing a JEA pole just this morning! Citizens watching out and officers cleaning up = partnership! #Irma #JSO pic.twitter.com/q6VKOvPKuU

    — Jax Sheriff’s Office (@JSOPIO) September 13, 2017

    A proctologist gave himself a colonoscopy to understand the pain he was inflicting on his patients. I’ve never had one, but I’ve been told having a hose shoved up your backside with a camera on it, isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world.

    Artist Piero Manzoni canned and sold his own poop to post- WWII art snobs to prove that they would buy anything if you told them it was art. And people are still buying his cans today.

    • N.C. Woman Claims To Make A Spray That Attracts Bigfoot

    For only $7 a bottle you can buy a spray that a woman claims will attract any Bigfoot within a 1 1/2 mile radius. It has yet to work.


    A man paid $8000 so he could have a Master’s Degree that used his life experience to determine that he earned the degree instead of actually studying or attending classes or taking tests. Yet he was surprised to find out it was a fake degree.


    The Couch Potato Files


    “Mysteries, conspiracies, weird history and the unexplained a new topic each Friday so join me, on the couch crack open a beer and maybe have a few laughs as we explore the weird and strange of the Couch Potato Files. Call and leave a voicemail at 559-425-8621 would love to hear from you.”



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