I’m Kinda Freakin Out: ODO 191

Long story short: school is starting back up this week for my boys and it’s got me a little freaked out, especially for our new Kindergartner. Add that to not knowing how/if I’m going to get any sleep during the boys school days, how/if I’ll have time to manage the podcast, and my half-brained idea to start live streaming the podcast and my art. Yeeeeaaahhh I’m kinda freaking out. Did I mention I’m freaking out?


Almost Kinda Back To School, and Stepping Up My Art: ODO 190

Our boys have one week left before school starts back up, sort of. And I took a step forward in my “art” by buying a digital drawing tablet. Plus a reminder not to hide your drugs in clearly marked bags, and a rundown of the upcoming August 2020 Sunshine Summit.
